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Chapter 3 Second

Word Count: 1372    |    Released on: 27/10/2021

at me. "Good luck pretty boy, you're gonna need it." I used the same condescending tone he used a while ago, before swiftly opening my door and slipping in, buckling and readying myself for the upcoming race. And as soon as the girl from before said to go, throwing her bandanna in the air as a signal that the race has started, I floored it, feeling the adrenaline starting to race in my veins, making a wicked grin tug at my lips. I have to give it to the dark haired boy from minutes before, he's good, the whole time he was either right next to me or slightly not... It wasn't long until I saw the finish line, and that had me pressing harder on the gas pedal, he's right beside me as I pressed on the little button modified net to multiple others under the radio, and with flaming exhaust I zoomed to the front, winning the race. I looked around me only to be as gobsmacked as the audience. That has never happened to me after all. I got out of my car, slightly sweaty as cool air rushed passed us, pushing my hair back as I walked to the man who was now standing a couple steps away from our cars. A tie, with him... We looked at each other, wide eyed. The previously silent observers broke into whispers... It has Never, Ever happened to me. "It's a tie" Greg, the man responsible for these races said making me come out of my shocked silence "No way!" We said at the same time making me turn to glare at the dark haired boy for a second before speaking again "I demand a rematch" again together I turned and looked at him with another glare, only this time him did the same "I'm sorry Dom, I can do nothing, you know the rules, so do you Hunter" Hunter, it suited the tall and brooding stranger... Clenching my jaw at my strange thoughts before letting out a frustrated sigh and shaking my head slightly, this was no time for weird thoughts. "Whatever, we always have next time." Hunter scoffed making me turn to look at him a snigger leaving my lips. "And next time you will be defeated. See you later Greg!" I waved at the man I've known for years, heading back to my car, not caring to wait for a reply from either guys as I got into my car and racing away from the tracks. I let my foot ease off the paddle when I was far enough from the tracks, not really wanting to be back home too soon, not ready yet to say my answer out loud. To be

d: 18.


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