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Chapter 2 First

Word Count: 793    |    Released on: 27/10/2021

ur gang, we had been given the name of 'Devils' ever since my dad and his friends formed the family, thus my street name, yet some like to call me angel, those who don't call me Dom, and no one is allowed to call me by my first name, the ones who tried ended up being lessons for everyone else. And now a few month before my nineteenth birthday, my luck strikes again as my father decided to sit me down for another talk this wonderful morning, I hope you sense my sarcasm. "I'm not doing it dad" My casual tone hid how I'm actually boiling on the inside. How can he tell his eighteen year old daughter she's getting married to someone she doesn't know or met before with such a composed and cool exterior? Sometimes I wonder if he really is my father. "Mi amor you have to do it. If you say yes then no one will dare to lay a hand on you, you with be untouchable, the rest of the family will be protected as well!" Was my dads reply to my plain refusal. His words did nothing but frustrate me, doubt flowering in me. Am I being selfish? Thinking about myself and neglecting the others? Will me marrying someone I have never met before really be a good thing? Thousands of thoughts swarm around my brain making me groan internally, the only way to clear my head and be able to think properly pops between all the bombarding thoughts making me rub my eyes before looking at my hopeful father. "Tell you wh

d: 13.


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