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The Golden Calix

Chapter 2 Adiel

Word Count: 1790    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

ed. He looks as fragile as a doll, with pale skin and dark circles under h

ys looking at me with his big, bright eyes. “Mina, sometim

th mine, trying to conve

I won’t let you,” I declare, blinki

s too much effort for his frai

r and hold him. When he calm

Promise me, Mina,” he says. His voice starts to fade, his

ing is

can’t really die e

cold sweat. I hug myself and

noise wak

ks, worriedly float

t dream again. I haven’t dream

o Vian because he understands, he knows hi

” I say as

gether. This is a new life,

I open the curtains and cough as t

’t open them much,” Vian

,” I retort be

kin. Good. Now that I got some energy, I need to assess

ed to rech

information,” I say, and Vian disa

e minutes for Via

e house for the whole day. If you want to make

may be a show-off, b

ht click. I get out of the room, opening the door with care, trying not to make a sound. Irina’s parents may not be here, but from Irina’s memori

’s memories fail to do so until I arrive at the kitchen. I find some brea

ou doing, l

goes my g

tall and lean, but that’s about it. Besides that, he

ere?” I ask, trying to del

the house and Irina’s older bro

er prohibited you from even leaving your room

oing to work here. I straighten myself and

ing to starve me to death? Do you hate me that much?” I as

tarts, but I don’t

at another time,” I tell him, and take advantage of his con

p my food close to me. I am near my room when I


oman that looks exactly like Isabella would have looked in her younger days is standing in front o

at me. Do you have no resp

that question, and Adiel know

he shouts and

h lifts h

body moved on its own accord, an

etty much spat the last word

at me with the same c

Is all

were you trying to do?” I a

ut I look at the feet I am holding

ciplining my yo

” If looks could kill,

p back involunt

now how to treat his el

e you disciplining him again, I won’

tips of her ears turn red,

my time with either of you,” Indira declare

r enough to know when

el. He is in a deplorable state, and I have the sudden urge t

am ok,” he says wi

ath and hold him

n’t have to act strong all the time. I am your big sister, and yo

corner of his eyes, and h

ow what to do, but then I hug him back and

be alright,” I tell hi

n my room. Irina hasn’t visited Adiel in a long time, so I am g

n I come i

d Adiel shows his head th

hat brings


say again, not answ

nd opens

lamp that looks as old as mine. It is sm

ide the other. I sit on the border and tap my side, telling A

w you somethin

liberating. I just let the words flow and, unconsciously, use wind magic that creates figur

e Adiel looking at th

our singing

turns his head


rised. Adiel nods. “Oh! Another h

flying around Adiel, delighted

er seen Vian this exc

hand and clai

thing too,” he says and

dow until it opens. He then climbs throu

fresh grass. Adiel motions to follow him, and we walk th

Adiel says, smiling. “I alw

ce?” I

nter of the clearing. He close

ext takes me

r that float around his body. The plants around his feet grow and nuzzl

trol three elements at such a young age makes him almost a prodigy. Howev

in big

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