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Alpha's Luna is a Fae-Siren Mage!

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1350    |    Released on: 21/10/2021

's Aura. It was a little fierce. It seemed to be a warni

s Williams carried his wife

at her beauty.

especially Tina P

s into her palms causing it to

itch, you don't deserve him, you piec

hat Mira is my mate. If you are still un-reconciled, I'll marry you of

d when the Alpha stared at her. But seeing his

e and sat on the chair meant for him

e are watching!" Mi

blink those pretty eyes, I just want to kiss you every

ade the king waste his energy for nothing. She won't be

Mira called


t you ashamed? We're here to pa

nds me of when I marked you." he c

cleared h

ted. For me, I'm here to celebrate my 5th anniversary with Luna Mira. I know for a fact that you don't like her coz she's human b

re dissatisfied is because until now, I still can't father an heir. To be honest, I'm pretty much ready to hand over my position next year to whomever is capable. I will not get a side chick because of a child. Heavens know bes

rushed th

sal harder?" she whispered

need to get some cold drinks to push it down till

e Alpha seat and stared

ffered her food and drink which she ac

!" they curs

. She was used to it by now

need to go to the bathroom a

es bathroom and hear

ust seal the bond by mating right away. No worries, it was part of the norm.

t if one disturbed their mating. It was private just like normal humans. Besides

d. It was the sound of two men. She decided to use he

ed and she cov

side and found that it was the beta who was be

of his people in the party? Were they here

e Alpha seat. She saw her husb

isit the ladies

something to tell you.


se, she said there were enemies in t

o not let his Alpha pressure circulate coz it

ly not want to be found i

hey headed to the female bathroom

and saw his beta, Bruce Jades completely nude, g

d had bruises al

gged him out of the bathroom. He started beating him mercilessly and the

e while the enemy wol

hroom to have an epic f

towel and walked into

threw the towel at h

can't." he m

g hard and even


her mermaid magic to heal the wound inside his ass and other

e felt pain but it was tolera

eading something on the internet while

his waist. Luckily, Mira was immersed in wh

nudity and walked slowl

m sorry."

t it's already done. We foun

ver Alpha wasn't around. I'm sorry. You saved my dignity and

hospital. Don't be ashamed to show the doctor your as

to a brown wolf and ran out a


see what my hubby is doing with that

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