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Alpha's Luna is a Fae-Siren Mage!

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1409    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

il intention in their surroundings so the party came t

it was very brutal. However, it seemed that Williams was on th

re covered in a red hood, holding a black st

n's chuckle, i

he mysterious woman said and began c

mes more strength and he beat Williams so bad t

he same and walked aroun

m the third stron

ta? You disrupted my party and scared my Lu

u are the third strongest Alpha.

slaughter your pa

hood walked over to them and patted

liams?" she asked, removi


at girl who you slept with that day. I'm c

killed her and that witch. I never t

d in bed, Williams. I allied with Alpha George in exchange for you. You know, you've been thoroughly weakened since the day you slept with me. Y

ild's father, or you can stay with your barren tree and never be abl

r." Williams said

nd the red light left her st

ead shorter. His hair fell out till he became bald and one of his

ing nudist." the la

eave with Alpha Georg

a very high tree. The scepter was pink

minions have been all beheaded and I generously cast the curse of barrenness and blindness on your mate back home. She is also very ugly now. I'm sure you'd love her even more

e was both scared and uncertain i

gure said and a tree branch hit George

staff shone with a bright golden light and a ball of ligh

e quickly went on her knees and begged for forgiveness. This mage

can beg. Continue kowtow

ded Alpha Williams. When it dimmed, Williams was back to no

ow that the battle is fair, you two can fig

ift to wolf form. They pounced on each other. This tim

k Leena. You have one chance. Will you confess who

at Williams and to

vances towards him while on his mission but he rejected her. So she came up with a plan to cast a

y Luna that I slept with two bitches that day? And how dare you pin a bas

t that figure on the tree appea

some pack warriors of White F

ared at the Alpha who raped him earlier. He kicked the body m

m in puzzlement. Williams walk

he whispered and Bruce nod

stared a

human girl. What are you

age!" Will

You are one? Why is she

almost killed me. Thanks to... eh? Where is she?" Willi


lliams knelt towards the tree and bowed. "Whoever you are... Thanks a lot. I wi

id and transformed into his blue wolf. Afte

ay with force. He looked at the said

ttered before l

d. Her white hair shone and her eyes were completely gold and emitted ligh

s parted and f

my mate, hehe" she fiddled w


and when he saw his wife, he couldn't help

to you. I almost never saw you ag

best moment of my life." Mi

mine alo

right, I wanna s

ust you." she said

he blanket, forcing the

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