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Confused Destiny

Chapter 9 Secrets

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 28/05/2022

First I fell down because someone ye

e my hair while smiling like I did or said something funny, or maybe she was thinking of something, she made my

g a conversation but I was busy trying to recall where I saw that face,or heard such voice,how can peter and his mother make

till managed to walk,on our way to the house,Mrs Anna (peters mom) held my hand,

and then is that I have grown a little bit taller and developed a m

y I felt anytime she touched me was nothing compared to people I have met that claimed

ent,she was also happy, for no special reason, maybe Mrs Anna also makes her nervous,I tried making them comfortable

feel hot and cold at the same time,in no time my mom came to my rescue. She was so happy to see them. They

l with the look on his face that peter has the same feeling I had when I saw his mother,he stuttered while greeting her, and his

aw a masquerade, he stood up trying to regain himself,I knew he wasn't thinking straight,he sat down beside his mom,

vable story of my life. I had mixed feelings,I was a

pt fate, it turned out that my mom and Mrs Rita gave birth In the same hospital, and I was switched in the same hosp

me my name,and breast fed me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How can my

e story. They felt sad telling the story,it wasn't an option to tell us,or maybe they w

pital,I lost a lot of blood and could die if matters were not taken seriously,mrs Anna blood didn't match after the test,then My m

hed with that of Mrs Anna,none of them could let go of there children because of a stupi

each other from time to time,till I got used to my mom then I had to leave with her pe

,she would panic when I have high body temperature, because I cried too much and my eyes would

ant to carry me away from her,and I rather feed m

cause my dad's brothers weren't fair to her and she had no one there,

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