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Confused Destiny

Chapter 6 Depressed

Word Count: 672    |    Released on: 20/10/2021

to me and it was so hard to keep this secret. I kept che

h the hope of never facing such nightmares again,and today I was remind

eeling embarrassed I have never cried in front of anyone for a long time,I just wiped my tears quickly and told her I bit my tongue,and it was s

w up to be a mother as an occupation I would do it in my entire lifetime on earth,and if I come back again I will still be a m

ld call me and tell me how my life would be like if I had all I ever wanted, though it was more of fantasy I always feel contented a

e my eyes and imagine my mom telli

he didn't succeed. Three days passed and I seemed to be cured of an unknown sickness and I had to return back to school.

ed news that he was dead,he died by road accident,I don't know if I should be happy that he was dead or sad that

e he touched me,or my menstruation stopped because I hated it So much I was so worried until my mom told me it

prayed everyday for me to see my menstruation,it

that day henceforth I was grateful every month I saw my menstruation, even though I know

idea that a skin to skin touch can make me pregnant,j

idn't care, I just moved on with my life, and before I k

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