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I can't marry this bastard

Chapter 4 Part four: I will help you on one condition

Word Count: 1353    |    Released on: 08/10/2021

lip and used his golden lighter to light it. A

the burning stick trying to

mned if he let the bastard have the last laugh. He was goi

trust fund to offset some of the dep

him to calm down and have a

ecause it felt humiliating to go to their greatest riva

think of an

that can help him raise hundred million dollars without resorting to ro

, " he cried smacking his he


in his office he had managed to come up with only two

it goin

have it in him to pull off a heist despite how many of the mov

lark an

el business only that. Clark and Castle have been able t

rent was trying to d

sounded legit to Trent. The sellers had claimed that they were no longer in

oved in without doing any background check because he had been scared that

termined to track down Steven Clark the owner of Clark an

deal done and dusted before the two

company's account before his f

ith his gorgeous secretary he was able to find out that the man was hosting a p

's residence looking dashing in his black t

lly the ladies but that is not the reason he was here. He

and zeroed in on him where he stood talking with five other

d in running the business, that is why he and along with his broth

l he had gone to the best business school money can buy but

had been a way to curtail his wayward

ent but intends to charm his way i

e joined the conversation smoothly and soon had everyo

r. Clark before his party kicks

o be greatly imp

s study where he wa

, young man? " the man asked as he

the glasses in

emptied the conten

ntively as he tabled

dollars for forty percent owne

out but he was desperate and it will be too lat

him like an eagl

y is in a great dept so what will it profit me

ammered nervously not k

a new deal. I will help

little nervous not kn

to marry my

tongue to refuse not willing to be shackled down to a woman h

of this he hesitated to give his response. He was

life, women to sample and all that and at the age of thirty two settling down was no

n? " The older man asked when h

t, " he reluc

pread across t

get the money as soon as my

if she does

r other wise because this dea

ch and most women will want to marry him but he couldn't help being a little nervous at the prospect of meeting the woman he

ut dad and he watched as if in slow motion as the most gorgeou

be then he wouldn't mi

ed from his face when h


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