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My Girl, My Addition

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1212    |    Released on: 26/09/2021

, she was on oxygen when we arrived and thankfully Luther paid a

red for her. I moved close to her and sat beside her bed, "mom how are you doing?" I asked holding her hands, thanks for

have cried enough" he said, "you have to be strong for your mother okay?" I nod my head

en he called me princess, gosh who's this guy that he's so

nderstand why so much attention?" waving the thought aside, we reach his car which was the latest Lamborghini, gosh I don't know who this guy is, we slide in, I rest my head on the car se

uth to ask him what he was doing but he took that opportunity and slides

protective manner and I start to lavish that sweet scent of his that smells like strawberry, I felt his hands cupped one of my breasts and I moaned in ecstasy the feeling Is out of this world, I frown when he broke the kiss and he kisse

seatbelt on us and put the car engine to life before zooming off, I suckled on his neck while he drives I guess I like the tattoo he drew there, "f

here on the spot," gosh am spoiling you too much he groaned," am not complaining I said pouting my li

h her tomorrow, I don't know but I don't want to lose her, for some reasons I feel drawn to her that I want to protect her with everything I had, earlier when w

and, I noticed something was off about him, "hi buddy what's up" I said, "good bro how is

ed he gr

?" I

tell you when I

e has been my best friend for a long time so I knew, I noticed the chemistry going on between him and mark, one of my mos

will always support who

man he r

ummed and


s room in the afternoon but he didn't come, guess the dude was afra

esn't want to get on his nerve, well you might be wondering but Mark is also a gay and he has loved Nickolas secretly for a long time, "come closer" Nickolas ordered, but Mark knows better than to move closer, "fucking come here," Nickolas spat again with anger visible in his voice, Mark move closer and stand before Nickolas who

ark in a swift thud and they both fell on the bed, with Nickolas on top, "I'm sorry" Mark said again, enough Nickolas hushed him and captured

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