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My Girl, My Addition

My Girl, My Addition

Author: Chinenye

Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1011    |    Released on: 26/09/2021

8:0 this morning, with a tag invisible attached to his body, and

might not believe it but the head of the country himself deals on drugs, deceiving people with politics he knows me and he's afraid of me, in fact, all of the pol

ollars. Well, I already sent him an early morning coffee. He should feast his eyes on one

hijack my drug. I swear if he tries that bullshit with me again I will pay

be wonderi

the most feared drug lords, each day billions o

fe, thug life have thought me a lot of shit, that I can't go back even if I want to, those fucki

ike blowing off their fucking head, street life thought me to be hard-hearted, be

someday, because of people like him, at a very tender age I'm already shooting gun and smoking because for you to live on the street, you got to act

lf invisible. When it comes to shipping drugs, I

body can beat me in drugs shipping, n

he arm forces have tried gett

ir time because I am alw

s my guard and also my buddy as

tly, I don't feel li

ed to fuck some pus

freak" I

than you," He replied

grabbing my shi

let's hit the club," he

ave been through a lot together, am not interested in women but trust me Nickolas is a fucking womani

g up, some people were making out while some were seen dancing, some were gambling, a lot of illegal thi

hes were giving me seductive eyes while some were trying to flirt with me, I scoff

rtender, while Nickolas was sitting op

er hips, I sit still watching her moves, Nichol

word. I don't know what gave this bitch the gut

voice and I swear chill ran down her body immediately making her shook in fear, I stare into her eyes

smell on my body, I took the bottle of vod

ot on his phone when he got back and

I aske

ed our goods," he said angril

lood is gonn

here, I said to Nickolas going out angrily, The

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