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Chapter 5 Magic Nerd

Word Count: 690    |    Released on: 08/10/2021

kill me, I..

s filled with terror for the women

, now

ded one by one, spilling

at is just

rom head to toe in blood. So

something to do with this.” s



nd this one seems to be the heart contract native to t

before that, I think you should deal w

t he Angi meant. She turned back to see the h

m.. liste

are y


ppeared behind Eva. Just as she was ab

remember what you saw and haven’t any

ibly nine to eleven years with chubby checks, glittering blue eyes, long green hair which looked l

you can’t be a


hair, blue eyes, dark skin. I greet the o

leaming with a mix of c

u recog

my l

did you summon it. You just waved your hand, and those men were lying on the grou

construction, nor its

d rescued me when I was lost, Si

e don’

w s

diation, which can’t be detected if one is not as smart as me. No, instead y

o think about what to say. She wanted to den

oglycerin where ether and magic a

e the youngest and o

er me, miss Ed

my name. Why did i

u have


more of tho

h, w

ee them, I will

weapons and

sh per

a hundred from the most powerful man on this planet. The gravity of thi

omise to become my subordinate


t agreed to something so baseless and unpredicta

say he was a n

care of me Sir Dawn,” sh

reincarnated,” he said, sha

you just

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