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Word Count: 906    |    Released on: 27/09/2021

are heartless!

could measure a per

I mean literally, all ten

ooked at Ang

you finally

e for yo

. This function has helped Eden escape many dire situations by knowing

their vitals, even in the scan, are perfectly normal. As

humanities centuries greatest AI and yet I can’

to do, Eva and the blacksmith were still a

nder a flimsy shop, which I am sure was made this morning, is a

listic objects doe

to say, I got no money,

daggers, are they

d, it would sell fo

0? that

on” said Angi


t me,” said A

ill buy this for 10,

0?” stuttered

” Eva trie

a kitchen knife bef

ure on Eva’s lip, ges

itable salary, then come to this address and show this badge to the guards at the front gate.” Eden

ed them, right?

to mask their hostility. Still, their moments are uniform and strong. So I

pretty good,”

d you be able

, if they are well

own all ten with no problem if it was her old body

crowded area, where

onsense are y


as completely isolated during this time. They made their way towards the hill, while

y the time they reached


urly looking man with a sword strapped to his waist. All of

ng Eden. She was trying to think of way

ou one thing. Our boss only wants your lady’s body, preferable dead., so we can kill you bo

Eva was about to l

ng in pain, blood pouring out his leg. Near to him was another of his companions, but instead of howling o

at happened. Eva hurriedly turned he

long since I use

y have to wast

ent, I guess and they are so damn cliché

you said.” Asked Eden, pointing her gun at them with a small

assailants screamed. They

nderestimate your target, you would have escaped alive. Well, back

in their legs, making it i

you and why do they want to

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