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Love Me As I Am

Chapter 7 The Talk

Word Count: 931    |    Released on: 18/09/2021

t?" I asked with

alk son?"

alls me son but doesn'


talk in my st

inute," He added

oaned and jum

oes he want wi

agged myself to his office, s

en though, I am not

hered me in, I sat down on the c

this quick," He

he want to


ed," He stared at me and

n I fall in love,

se someone for

ess proposition huh? Do I look stupid to

etting married," I

ing," He said

," I said angrily and walked

eems to rui

therine get

the excuse that I

t to ask him wh

t anyone make a

e house, entered my

can rest

to cool



ching like a cat, theoricall

y for school, ca

t so ex

the school part

side with the girl

the orphanage.. I don't have any do

I was gladly wearing mine..with a pair

are you going f

or this week, just to see how i

algebra class

and walked me to a class ro

is," She

is is a mixed school, both orphans and n

nothing," I

y firs

as we stepped into the clas

staring at

o an empty seat, an

at?" She asked and they

do that always," She

the desk and said, "Hey,wha

ree girls standing side

ng... Nah, it's

!" She yelled and all the

" The one at

me and Tammy scrambl

I caused th


except for some like this one," She said

e your seat

She giggled soft

" She l

here," I said

much better," She said po


sca," S

are," I said and s

eir group, BBB girls,"

elly," Ta

Tammy," She a

Nelly," Ta

y, Nelly meet La

new right?" She

you know,

" I said

," She

hat does it m

de and Black gi

" I a

iliana is blonde while Dora

ed their group from the colour of thei

obably expecting a teacher but I was Francisco.

s on my seat again," She said with

from me," She said

new enemy and a new friend

big text book sud

ur text books

sson, I am

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