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Love Me As I Am

Chapter 3 Cruel World

Word Count: 1368    |    Released on: 16/09/2021


talk to brats." I

to start what sh

en out." The girl

The other girl said and they laughed un

are her minions


my whispered in my

and the girls star

anything meaningful and out.

e." She scream

r room but by the help of Tammy cause

" I said as I j

t that little w

ed from somethi

went back to her

ur bath, we are so n

it wouldn't hurt to

risty said as she r

o undress." she ye


." Patricia

ing about Luke?

She yelled, he

ked our chins, and I


ead som

to my bag and broug

see that." Patricia

." Madi

has some novel

y screamed fro

jiffy." he yelle

ing to give us." Patrici

to choose." I said and each

y ran out with her

aid a litt

I am very serious with nov

d and as showed

She sc

We asked

ned pointing to the book with Patr

ones." She smiled while

sty said and took a novel f

's example, they all went to their bed

ty was still with her towel tied on her

am not the on

dress up.

good." S

et dressed." Tammy sai

dison said with

rolled her eye

rranging her clothes that


I asked but they all ignored me,

o next." M

." I

ls. I'm just going

m going to use and clothes I'm gonna wear sin

is in the bathroom close to the door thingy

ked and she looked

y chorused and I smiled

es la

y that it was the best bath

was the best bath I have ev

first thing I saw s

hristy and Pat

o fast.

id and stared a

?" I

ollow me." Patricia

obe, like seriously I c

for a breath ta

already." Maddy gr

ttered and Maddy

towel tied across my chest, but believe

's just say I saw so many glittering things i

ge ri

t used to t

ight of these supposed be

I blurt

and opening but Madison

I'm fine with

ut you'll have your own clothes soon. that is

." I

s." Patricia smiled as she bo


lost in thought of what to w

y said behind me and I

aid catchin

short dress or top and skirt but don't choose a lo

nd guess what I picked, a red jean sk

asp at my

said and I smiled and

sy but it felt a little uncomf

ura." Christy shrieked


, I blushed, wow am get


wanna know."

e right." P

her, we got your

riends." I said getting all teary an

Maddy s

ssest thing ever." T

I asked

friends with yo

our life not even in our a

anted them to pour badly because I coul

ked trying to hold my tears, cause I don

mean that we are friends wi

ends get that into y

ce faces and attitude towards me, they are j


ve hurts

k we are your friend

said and they all laughed

from my eye, and it continued, al

ng out if I'm heart broken or not, they ju

crying?" Tammy said

ying to be


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