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The martins

Chapter 6 Mall

Word Count: 514    |    Released on: 11/09/2021

ing after that incident we final

two Damien and Zion are so excited to shop for their wa

ike shit, When someone looks at you or stare at you for a

l we

blissful on Dami

r and i already

d to stand up becaus

d but it feels good when it comes

the two Damien and Zion are so excited to shop for their

t them and the two just don't waste time they f


" Chelo ask me whil



low him wh

s tail

iar in here because o

that i got out


to something or l

kid" He just said th

He! A

but nevermind he got

left to see whe

in front of

i felt embarrassed that i bu

so long dev"

y lovely brother." I rolled my

devi Long legss"

short so shut up

" I want to say that to him but

ast him to en


ark when i laid my e

d, I'm not mad a

there are so many art mater

is the one who buys it for me. This isn't

ly big. I usually go to the

inutes walk away

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