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The martins

Chapter 2 Her life

Word Count: 1156    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

es, typo's,grammati

yday so don't forget to heads up and be confid

the ch

for a second to just be sure then i open my eyes rub it just to shove away my tired

p hole of my door well i have a peep hole 'cuz our house is prett

shots outside the door but i

me hallucinations 'cuz I'm just tired. I d


ndow to see what's going on i hurriedly get a stool because this damn window is just like


ands just to clear my vision well this isn

hekeila dragging a dipshît body on to our friggin damn

eep hole and freak the

nd that I'm sleeping

ible so they can't hear the qui

k F

rn on the lights just the

is going out o

ervous r

ll me like they

I'm asleep and not nervo

hale inha

eating my enhal

so i think they're now on th

im?) I'm not so sure about who speak this but i

er smaltire lui e le prove" I guess it's m

easiest way to dispose

language so i can't even

well all of us but they are the one who's raised in italy b

ack sheep somet

ey do that? The flippin heck whe

ld think of that later bacau

go to sleep and forget ab

the first t

ings but they will not kill

now it's wrong to kill somebody even

tins so yeah

ve the IQ of a

ngest of them all but

he hoards of the bussinesses of our family. the

t have a parents anymore to guide hi


eets my eyes i did sleep after what i saw but i

nder my pillows to see wh

still early

ly 7:04 in the morning it's

up to go downstairs to have a

dest brother Daniel that we

together sticks fo


e golden knob of my b

clothes and enter the sh

on the laundry basket I'

n do the usual morning r


on my way to my walk in clos

drawers here and

odie a grey

irror to see wh

see the sides i want to see my front view so i turn to

t going to brush my brown slightly perf

s to see every body on the kitchen

5 i guess it's just perfect for breakfast 'cuz the br

sibling and the other just looks at me a

t said while putting the newspaper do

is breathtaking eyes then smiled to

can speak a l

you a

ome minutes idk why


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