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Chapter 5 5. I'm a stranger

Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 03/09/2021


Deby said as I sat upright and glared at her coldly, she qu

was, the bastard had guts to dance with her in

espite you being the queen and his wife you c

the king is called lady Grace" A

y ladies quickly stood

us" he

ance, I lazily stood up and picked my veil fro

d to follow a few rules as the queen, and that include

oor and secondly you shame me by walking away from your o

make me seem bad all b

saw that woman take my place smoothly,

then took a

cil wouldn't let me, they wanted someone of royal blood so they forced me to marry you, the disrespectful brat, but I'm happy ve

at she will take more than my place, but just a reminder my king, I am the queen, if she dares to g

speechless then

was acting towards me, I didn't want his affection but I wanted his respect and a

my ladies enter

andsome", L

low me" I ordered as I s

" I heard Lauren

slowly in the passage as they

uickly went and sat at the edge with a smile not caring if my w

ck crushing on me, my eyes were filled with tears tha

ach her?" Debby

now, let's all go back

anding lady around, for a few minutes I c

fine?" a strange voice ask

manners, I thought of you as a str

g how the king sleeps with everyone but

at's not true,"

dy Grace a lot after al

are more beautiful than her,"

I'm nothing" I answered sadl

more beautiful than her and by the way, you are the que

me?" I asked he

oyal servants serving in

a little about thi

l palace, the king is rarely seen and he doesn't

lady Grace?" I

ince that day they have always

as lovers?

.." She

imself, so apart from Grace w

ow many ladies his highness had found favor in, all I k

I knew that"

aren't you suppose to be in the

he doesn't want me th

y you are everything Grace can

s good-hearted and kind, thank you

think too much, you have a lot to prepare tomorrow so p

I answered then walk

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