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Chapter 4 4. Can't turn back

Word Count: 1338    |    Released on: 03/09/2021


illment, my people needed this kingdom's protection and guidance and that was all t

princess," Lauren said as

ng it a royal breathtaking fit, a beautiful white long veil was covering my face up to my

l my ladies covered thems

step I took my breathing was becoming

father, despite being upset with him for not saying goodbye

him for a second then pu

dn't attend my wedd

er, so I made sure I do" he

father" I

tiful," he sai

d with him on the red carpet to the church that was

take the carriage

e church on their wedding day so that the people might gaze upon her

ment, we walked silently for a few

re ready" fat

," I

with his back towards us, he was in a very expensive white suit and his hair was

n looking at us with a smile wearing a black suit, his robes were not of a

l man slowly turned and his cold light green eyes bore into mine, I held my breath

iage, in his eyes I could see more than

r who nodded, I hesitated thinking about my people, they w

her and held his, the man then tu

adies stood beh

led with unshed tears, even when we exchanged the rings he refused to kiss or ta

ed out of the church, he said that he needed to return becaus

of people dancing and happily cheering, immediately the man who was now my

his throne and I took the throne next to his which was

ache, the friendly man walked to us with a young boy behind hi

ont of us then

the most expensive stones and put it on the king's head, he bowed then got the smaller crow

e people cheered loudly then kept

yal robes said, looking at the way he mo

ut also to tell you that we your people would love to see the face

it really sounded good, and saying it i

on his face, I too quickly stood up knowing too well a queen

lt all my energy being drained and my headache

ime since we met, his face softened and a slight smile appeared, I wante

," he said in a deep husky

gaze and face the people, the cheering

him she didn't bow at all rather she took his hand in hers and walked with him to the dance floor. I looked at them displeased and in

to stay around and see such a shameful act go on, I moved and wa

dance, such humiliation," I said angrily in my room

od up and went to answer it while I


e rest" I answere

g requests your presen

erves, just becau

ed rest" I answered as my ladies

s shame after all he had put m

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