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The Magic In Me

Chapter 5 Who am I

Word Count: 1182    |    Released on: 31/08/2021

. Andrew tried breaking the awkward

"Do you really take me this stupid, that you would make up s

alked over to stand in front of her. "You my sugar pl

never lie to me, after just telling me a bull

g table. "Huc trahendum!" He muttered underneath his breath, and

not lying, everything I told you is true.." He stretched the cup to

w drops of tear

ng, but now you see that

. "You do not get to say that, what happene

e council." He turned his face dow

hat hap

head up to stare at her directly in

Isabel's eyes. "So you're s

m concerned, I am your father. I raised and loved you,

om the cliff, what happened to him?

rth, he came after you. Wanting to capture you and teach you chaos magic, so you would end up jus

that, maybe he just

owerful witch to have ever existed, from the bloodline of both Amethyst Achak and Zarel Namer. Your chaos magic i

d, giving her some feeling of comfort. "Trust me, it

a few seconds, before moving b

k, but for your protection. If the council were to find you they wouldn't hesitate

"Go? what do you mean go? Do y

draw magical attention to this town, a

eel at home. You can't just—" She paused and star

hat do you

d time so I went to the ladies ro

ne that would normally require twenty of the

back to sit down. "Was anyone hurt? oh my God—Did I kill anyone? I

o long. She continued, "What you experienced today was a magical panic att

abel was d

orever. Yours was estimated by me to last till your eighteenth birthday, but I was wrong.

that the blockag

t midnight when you complete eighteen. For now I

er way, I can't leave not now. What about Julia, what

is Sophia, me and you, a witch who but a few minutes ago didn't know about her powers,

she sobbed. "You don't understand me, you ne

your powers were manifesting. She will probab

dare say that about the only true friend I have ever

l, where are

just starting to love this town."

ored him. He took a step forward, going after her but Sophi

d her father isn't her biological father but her uncle. Give

pm and we need to be leaving at

go pack up and let her clear he

ask tha

g, I'm offering. Now let's go

conds "Fine...." He sighed and they

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