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The Magic In Me

The Magic In Me

Author: Onajite

Chapter 1 The beginning

Word Count: 993    |    Released on: 31/08/2021


room. Slowly she opened her blue eyes, while stret

ck displaying 6:30 am on the nightst

xt day being her eighteenth birthday quickly invaded her mind,

window. She parted her blue curtains, to see her regula

er father, Mr Jacob Andrew moved to NOMAY. A be

as boring, it was because she was starting to love the town and her new

blem. That's how it always feels until her father, Mr. Andrew gets

her was having to part with her friends every time, o

place was a year, others had be

country or continent to another, only that it was business

a child anymore, he might listen to h

was about to change. She had noticed that as the days of her eigh

completing eighteen, but that did not c

ed in blue skinny jeans and a white T-shirt, she flipped her lo

o get her breakfast, there she saw her

?" At the sighting of Isabel, Mr. Andr

eggs on the dining table and

She replied, with a h

ried eggs

ver, and sat opposite her father. Mr. Andrew then pu

wkwardness filled the air. It felt as if Mr. A

en though her father had never forgotten her birthday, she felt like say

inued using his fork to cut the fried egg without eat

n it's the big on

d I am happ

it doesn't se

did you want

y for you, it's the big eighteen!' Instead

"Oh my God, I'm so happy for

face. "Will I be having you all to myself like our normal tradition? You know

t to…" He paused, took a deep breath and exhaled hard. "Isabel, whatever h

bout?" She was instantl

on't understand now, but know that I tried." He stood up

ng about?" She watched him pick his work

. You will understand everything, for now I need to go to work. I love you." He

he door, wondering what Mr. Andrew wanted to say a

back till when he said he would, so

ty, she knew she had to go to school. Perhaps being in

nd walked out, just in time to catch t

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