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Fated And Mated to a Leopard

Chapter 4 Drama Queen (Part 1)

Word Count: 893    |    Released on: 30/08/2021

Queen (

ught me my


Ximena was seen moving faster the

or the days she had been there couldn't fin

has and nothing got past her nose, but in

iefly, Antonio's face appeared. It was

find them." Xim

hide their scent from you." Antonio said

w master, should I c

n India until you

y ma

a low profile, no one should kn


me inf

ystal bracelet and he


ars La

d they were directed to the office where they saw a po

d, offering them a seat.

g for someone who came here ten years ag

s name?" The poli

hi." Karen

top and after a while he faced Kar

ne bearing tha

ld he was brought here, please check

ut nothing showed

cer said. "Do you have an

inside her hand bag and brought out Niral

who collected it and look

al Vanhi, in fact no one knows his


a very intelligent boy who passed

h other briefly then she ret

can we f

, he can be a

hand inside her hand bag and when she brought it out, she was

ma left the


ears Later...

in my mouth, staring at

bstance which I know w

t in front of the door and sat on it. Though the c

gs who run this place will c

y Karen had given me wa

wearing and ask me to follow her home and there she gave me a ring to wear, it will hide my leopard scent and give me a new face.

the thugs ran in chasing a young guy,

ugs which were

he is going to pay me is now times two." I said to the guy behi

heat." I told the glaring thug

egan t

one of m


in Seoul


dreaming of my dream man when I nearly fel

ver to my table where I had put my

uted one of my

e ran in and stopped when

She said with

one, I am too weak

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