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Fated And Mated to a Leopard

Fated And Mated to a Leopard


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 556    |    Released on: 30/08/2021

e in Mex

10 was seen giv

y young man that would be in his ea

e boy was seen crying profusely as she was held by tw

er Alej

s too young to die

I wouldn't have ruled this large empire after my father. Do

from his father and app

the girls head. Her blood splashes his

ansform into black leopards and s

hed and then someth


lejandro asked when he saw his mother's y

horrible nightmare." Karen, a young

nty Karen, your powers can't

oy an amulet around her neck w

et will take us to India once we are

y will stop my gene from flowing in him?" The same

Ninja's begin to come

ou turn my nephew into a ruthless k

ng my dear Karen, his leopar

of your life." Karen said, holding the silver amulet tightly

let from her neck and gave

to the river behind the cas

and disappeared in

and my son to go, unharmed, but I assure

and fled the castle. Once she was outside, s

, from now henceforth, you are Ni


the shallow part of a river when she and her

captains board a ship, defin

t all cost but she w

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