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Toxic Love

Chapter 5 Confrontation

Word Count: 912    |    Released on: 22/08/2021

r them in house. She hugged h

now you are going to live here she doesn’t need to wo

o live here before marriage.” Sarah said. She didn

would think or say. You need to take care of yourself and I know how stubborn you are when it comes about yourself. Just stay here until y

ou mean?”

new he wouldn’t tell you that he is going to capita

ell me. Sarah said and

tell me if you have any issue or if there is something tro


our all clothes are alread

her from inside. “He was trying to tell me something.” She thought. Suddenly she sat “He said 5 years back Jason forced him to leave me” she said to he


itchen when she heard Sara

uth?” Ja

d Roy? Why he left me? Why he was taking

o between me and him.” Jason

him. Every time he came in front of you or you hear his na

illed someone. I did what I supposed to do as

w, I am asking about the past.” Sarah s

it is to know that the person you love actually think

move forward and hugged her. “Sigh… My love, you need to stop think a

watching everything and went back to kitch

o believe that Roy killed someone. She decided to go into the depth o

??” He

g time since I m

ady left the city

” Sara

e day of murder.

they go?”

r home town. Jas

Roy’s body?

lammed the door on his way out. It was very clear that he was angry. Sarah could understand that he was angry because of what happened up until now and h

at!!!!! She mumbled

nner. There was an awkward silence. She wanted to ask so many questions to Jason but she knew that he won’t

her broke t

eave tomorrow?

some important things to do so I’ll l

re losing weight and you have to call m

am not a child anymore. He

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