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Toxic Love

Chapter 4 Incomplete sentence

Word Count: 796    |    Released on: 22/08/2021

ent to bedroom; Roy was

ve what he s

ied to me.

so sure about t

now. Sarah said a

me to go? Roy

rah repli

o you really think I’ll murder someone? Why don’t you just bel

r anything. Sarah s

company. He was an assistant of a manager. She was hurt deeply but she knew that she can’t f

we decided to meet at

o see you agai

. And I promise after this I’ll

just get lost….

ment to the parking lot, where the car was parked. He pushed her in the car and sit at driver’s seat. “Even you

ountain near the city. Once it was Sarah’s favorite spot

her…….. Roy paused for few seconds then he took her hand in his hand, “Sara, I a


e fired at him, bullet enter in his chest, and

all when Jason caught her. He was hold

????? I am here. It’s okay”

is????” She turned grabbed Jason’s collar. “

he saw the whole p

d this?????

e. We just followed you two.” He

w you will kill him!!! Roy die

, “Sshhh, I am here with y

m!!! No….. I killed him. He died

ital. She saw outside the window, it was dark outs

eeling??” He asked

and kept staring

omeone and ran away. We had no choice. It has already

I am tired.” Sara

l be fine”. He said

when she came back and met him at the company, she was somewhat relived to see him fine. She knew, Roy loved her to

Good morning my love”, He kissed on her forehead. “Get up

e. Finish this then I’ll ta


t, he brought

n my apartmen

you to live alone”. He replied and hold her hand. “Let’s go,

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