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My rich girlfriend

Chapter 5 The night outing

Word Count: 1018    |    Released on: 20/11/2021

at is wrong with you? If you don't trust me anymore, then say it!" He


o return it, i'll return it tomorrow. You wanted to pick somene else's call, why do you always jump to conclusion even without heari

her eyes, she glanced at the doo

as the only way. If he didn't bring act that way, Lilli

rents and Aria, and th

ber and Elena picked

ddress, get a taxi to bring you here.

ed, and the call w

the room, with a

gs to both of us" She informed, as


feeling guilty that h

a, there was nothing to hide from he

p for you. Elena is the kind of friend you should keep, she's so rich. You know that saying, move with people with positive

the house this night?" Jerry asked, that was th

Jerry and I will be going out tonight, there's this party where they need people to serve drinks, we applied and

are both allowed to go,

erry can go. He's a boy and can take care of himself, the pay is

ius sister. I

ch the latest iPhone, she had been seeing it but couldn't touch

e careful with it. I want to go use the bathr

ery and looked at all the pictures there.

fense" She strike a pose and c

"I am so cute" She complimented herself. She was about to delete the pictu

erry?" Her

She replied. Her hands

e me when he's done" He

relief, dropped the phone on the bed, and started ea


ion on the mirror, she was pu

ivate investigator. She placed the phone on her ear and used

e asked as she rubbed t

smate wasn't an accidental shot, she wa

rightened. "What-what do yo

strange to leave that school,

ions, you are.....You are the next target" The moment El



in that way before. 'What is wrong with him? I understand what he's going thr

o she decided to go back to

house and sighted h

ay? My parent doesn't approve him of coming to m

hone, she would have ca

entered it."Please follow that

from the front mirror. He smirked and t

un and turned back t

cream" His wo

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