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My rich girlfriend

My rich girlfriend

Authoress vera


Jerry burrows never thought he would live his poor house and stay in a big mansion, he never thought that his life would change in a day. Being born into a poor family wasn't his fault. Meet Jerry burrows, a nineteen years old boy, he got everything one needs in life, except money - a caring mum, a protective dad, a beautiful sister and a lovely girlfriend, he had all those. He never thought he would become famous and rich, not until Someone met him. Elena!!!! The daughter of a billionaire! She fell in love with him the first time she saw him. She wanted him to himself and would go to any extreme to get him. But what is going to happen when Jerry rejects her offer because of his girlfriend - Lillian. What is going to happen when Elena's dad finds out that jerry was the reason for his daughter's heartbreak? How is Elena and jerry love story going to start? Find out in this interesting and mind blowing book!!

Chapter 1 Getting a job

The rain was falling heavily, those with good house enjoyed the weather but not someone like jerry - a special rain was inside his house, the leaking roof!

Aria placed a bucket on the floor, the water dripping from the roof was now entering into the bucket.

"Perfect" She sighed and went into the other room.

It was the room shared by she and her brother, it only had a bed in it, most of their things got spoilt because of their leaking roof.

She got into the room and saw her brother crying, it wasn't new to her, she went to him and squat on the floor.

"Jerry, if you are gonna keep crying like this what am i gonna do? Huh" She asked but got no reply.

She pulled him to herself, engaging him in a hug, she patted his hair and he disengaged from the hug.

"It's raining now, for how long are we gonna keep cleaning the whole house when it rains?....I just don't know what to do, We are both nineteen now and it's our responsibility to take care of our mum but we have nothing, we aren't even educated, for how long?" He lamented and she bit her nail.

It took sometime before she spoke up. "Everything is gonna be fine" She said, encouraging her twin brother.

"Sometimes i wonder if we are really twins, i am supposed to be older than you with few years" Aria suddenly said.

Jerry wiped his tears and gave her a stare. "And why is that?" He asked and she chuckled.

"Look at me, am a girl and you are a boy, you are supposed to be the one cheering me up, not me cheering you up, you are being too emotional" She explained.

"Am i? Well, it's not my fault" Jerry rolled his eyes at her.

"Then whose fault is it? Mum?" She asked.

"I never said that, you know i love her more than anything" He quickly replied.

She stood up and tucked a strand of her hair behind her right ear.

"Some people don't even have anything to call a house, they don't even have anywhere to stay, but we have a house....The least you can do is to be grateful, we might not be educated but we know that being grateful and trustworthy pays" She stated and walked away.

Jerry stood up from the floor and when he thought of Lillian, he smiled.

The love of his life!


After staring around to make sure no one was watching her, Lillian took some eggs and kept it in her bag, she took the rest ingredients for making an omelette and kept it in her bag.

She turned and was shocked to see someone standing at the kitchen door.

"Sabrina, you startled me" Lillian muttered, she placed her right palm on her chest.

"Really?" Sabrina scoffed.

"You think stealing foodstuffs is right, just because you want to give it to him....Your parents aren't too rich but you are running a charity organization, who does that?"

"Don't try to lecture me now, Sabrina" Lillian stopped talking, she took an apple from the fridge and took a bite from it.

"I know we aren't that rich, but we can afford a three square meal and we can foot our bills....I know what am doing, don't tell me what to do" She added and threw the apple to Sabrina - Sabrina caught the apple and took a bite from it.

"You are my best friend, so assist me" Lillian said.

"My lips are sealed" Sabrina held her lips with her two fingers.

Lilian chuckled and walked away, heading to Jerry's house.

After some time if walking, she got to the house and knocked at the almost destroyed door.

If thieves should go into the house, then they won't come out with anything valuable.

The door was opened for her by Aria who looked drenched.

"Good afternoon Aria, where's jerry" Lillian asked.

"He's inside, please come in" Aria ushered her in.

"Thanks, but what happened to you? Why are you soaking wet?" Lillian asked as she stared at Aria from her head to her toe.

"Oh, that...I was cleaning when you knocked, you know" Aria said and pointed upwards, indicating the roof.

"Am so sorry" Lillian apologised as if she was the cause. Aria smiled and walked away from the door, allowing her to walk in.

Lillian got in and saw Jerry cleaning the floor with a rag, and squeezing the rag in a bucket.

She dropped the bag on the floor and ran to him, she took the rag from him and knelt on the floor, drying the water - not minding the fact that it was gonna stain her clothes.

"Lilian" Jerry called in surprise.

Lillian gave him a smile, she continued drying the floor with the rag.

"Stop it" He helped her up and took the rag from her.

"Just let me do it, please" She pleaded.

"No, i won't... Queens don't do such work" Those words said by jerry made her blushed.

Jerry left the cleaning for Aria, he went into the other room with Lillian.

They both sat on the bed.

"What an unexpected visit" He said as he held her palms in his.

"Well i came with good news this time around" Lillian replied.

"Your statement isn't correct, you always come with good news" He said and she blushed again.

"Stop flattering me" She shyly muttered and he laughed.

"I came because i got you a job" She said and he jumped up.

"Really" He jumped in excitement.

"Thank you" He pulled her up from the bed and hugged her.

Lillian disengaged from the hug because he hugged her tight.

"Don't thank me, please i don't like it" She said, pretending to be angry.

"Am sorry, am just so happy" He giggled and she smiled.

"It a big company and your work there is to offload goods from the company bus into the store room, the pay would be enough to do one nice thing" She informed.

"Am okay with any job, as long as it's a legal job" He happily said.

"I won't want you to do anything illegal" She said and kissed him.


If only Lillian knew that the job would separate them, then she wouldn't had mentioned it.

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