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Author: babibaobi

Chapter 1 one

Word Count: 566    |    Released on: 06/08/2021

ll strive to become the best and out of all the people in their league. A lot of them have fallen out of the

They go through rigorous training, so it's not new news that they are suffering physically and mentally. Des

bleed, but they don't want to en

field. Of course, there are some who just choose to end it all, because of

one goal: to be at the top. Hard it may seem, these singers give it their all,

increase their skill and mastery, but through the eyes of the stern judges w

" they say as they close the cur

es also crush other singers' dreams, not to mentio

gh, has reached the to

ck, but she slams the

title of "The Best above all" because she, from a young age, went through

her next rival? Even though she had competitors, she had always claimed the win against them.

he best she can just to max

surely move you to tears. It was loud, yet sweet to the e

lent, but also because of her family's wealth. She was marked b

but the hate was also astounding. Still, she tr

the title from her, but she stood st

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