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The Idiotic Billionaire

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1963    |    Released on: 03/08/2021

eks la

nking he's probably still dreaming, he drops his head down on the pillow and his eyes begin to close, but the knock

s and shoves his he

getting up, going to the door and knocking out whoever is at the door, but

and it wasn't in a good way, it

t come out. His eyes finally pulling apart, causing h

all my calls and avoided me these past weeks." She sounds violent from across the room and he wonde

sely surging through his vein and it's weird because he knows he's not a heavy drinker, so the reason for his morning headac

to listen to reason, "Yes, so you can a

der his breath but she seems to have he

get up and open

and walks to the door, "I'll open the

se you anything." She respond

d to be a six-inch lita heel because she was never this tall. Samantha is one of the prettiest girls Cainan has ever met, dark skin

Cainan almost burst out laughing at the thought, but he knew

certain of what is

in two weeks and all you have to

pound harder at her loud voic

" She asks, ignoring his

ather have my ex who is now married woman than take that.' He wanted to blurt o

ust answer the damn questio

hort as she silences him w

you pig! I gave you everything these past t

d palm strike. "What do you want me to say? If you want to break up with

her voice telling him to b

e so small be

husband two weeks ago. It's hurt him so much and again just like five years ago he feels betrayed and cheated because he'd hope

an she was and in her own words incapable of taking good care of her. Then she revealed that she left because

all support from his loved ones. He was going to ask her to marry him immediately the company hit its financial s

old him she hated every moment she spent with him, but why

I just needed time." He pauses and turns to her, "I'm sorry for hurting you the way I have, I was selfish and

ad of running for his life now that h

"Yes, I'd like that, but promise me

, "I pr



Neriah asks as Shawn

o conceal it. Neriah wouldn't know though because one of the good thin

n, "what are you doing?" He asks,

on house in town and I wa

ean you've g

t the job if I'm able to plea

, they are a delight!" He

you saying that as a fr

ng machine to see what she's doing properly.

, "how about you? How

malicious wickedness, it's real

is, "Well you shouldn't give up fai

tly. Her brow furrow as she stares at his hand then up at him.

brows drop

't have the time to have fun anymore. This is the

plies, smiling

she takes his hand, "I

ou'll have a lot o

ld the owner they were buyers who just wanted to test first. The seller agreed and after performing a horrible 'Don't stop believing,' Shawn opted out of buyin

hear the sound?" He asks in t

e and it was horri

, "Says the jealous girl wh

ood at it, you shouldn't becaus

r, Ria and you sh

ng up to ruffle his hair. "But thanks for draggi

e off the smile on his face. "Only mom

ing to call you Shawnee in your w

slips out before he can firmly grab her.

im, "Because you love me a

at's true, I'm just glad y

"and that's the first time in a while so

hey make their way towards her door, and she unhooks her

ds as she climbs up to the verand

ldn't help giggling in anticipation, but he decided to do something different, he's always wanted to do it since the first day he talked to her,

d and therefore had prepared for it beforehand. His lips are s

nd Shawn notices the smile on Neriah's f

e says with her

about time." He agrees, stuffing his ha

and steps inside,

k, "Good night, Ner

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