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The Idiotic Billionaire

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1690    |    Released on: 03/08/2021

en he sees Neriah walk out of the apa

owner of the place came by, they both went in to discuss while Shawn waited outs

ording to Cecilia I can move in if I have six months payme

hen?" He asks as he

s way to help her out and she's grateful for that. "Yes. Thank yo

as he mutters, "If o

heard him talk about his mom being in the hospital when Cainan fired him in the

looking up at him and

s, "Han

ood thoug

and according to her, she's becoming more of a burden than she's ever want

fore blurting out the obvious,

an't tell her I got fi

er?" Her brow raises, "Lying

doing alright even though she knows that's so far from the truth. She couldn't tell them she wasn't alright and

nough for me to

ob soon." She pats his shoulder


fixed on the ceiling in deep concentration. Having known him for a long time, she knows he only looks this way when something is bo

hat's wrong? Someone giving you a hard time at work?"

e, there's really nothing you can do because the las

she sits down, "Cainan, please tell me you're not

rt now. You left me and married Hugo and now you're cheating on him

himself it was the last time, but there was some

u want this too, don't

cause I still have strong feelings for you but I hope to someday get over that, but that day

growl and pull apart. Cainan begins to rea

uting it the phone soon stop vibrating and they kiss again, Cainan

r the phone, "Could be important," he

ry important," Clara argues the obviou

calling to give information about the assignment he'd given him earlier. "Sorry,

re going quiet to he

th Neriah Gomez, just like y

mation?" He further enquir

what he had found before adding, "I will hav

ye on her." He says b

e's already in her black gown and he realises the call might not be as br

e things he doesn't like about her. The fact that she can shut her

re saying the only reasonable thing he

ureness, "Do I get to be angry? At least I kno

es lowering to the phone in his h

think?" She asks wi

ut this is totally diffe

holds her head up. "And if it isn'


yes not once deflecting, "No I don't and you know why

ase," he pleads and

p in his movement. "We are just horrible people who are too fu

ge and he wishes he can do something that'll hurt her in retu

lf? That we are fucked up?" H

oing to hell for it and the way you make me

say?" He asks, still for

r to hold him and never let go. "I made the greatest mistake of my life when I left you and married Hugo and as much as what

rings out of her body. "I don't know where all this is coming from cause t

she didn't hear you sound so determined over the phone. She probably would not have realised how sel

you and you love me and tha

hand through the small stubble on hi

deserve!" He snaps and walks away from her, into the room. "You lost that privilege when you ripp

't, but Hugo deserves better and so does Sam

heir own, feeling the sting of tears coming on as he remembers their break up five yea

purse, "only this time

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