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His Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 7 Best friends turned brothers

Word Count: 1830    |    Released on: 07/08/2021

three friends dined. Naza nibbled on his toast, eyes unseeing with his gaze darting between his friends. Mos

ned and a yawn escaped him. “Swallow us, eh,” Naza

Naza in a blink. It was for this same reason, he snatched the toast that touch

Naza hollered. “You sa

ed. “I chang

Time had taught him not to meddle in the duo’s banter. Disappointed, Naza kicked

stated he was starting a new diet to recover his panty-dropping shape. His words had elicited snorts from his friends but the muscled m

of his denim jeans, he tapped on the screen. “What about this one?” He thrust the phone in Naza’s face, showing him a movie poster. Mose

enever his friend threw the nickname at him. But it ea

to become a deacon who would be ordained a priest in a few months to come. The two could never see Moses as

announced his keen desire to be a priest on the first day of class. With coloured eyes that could charm the panties off the ladies, a s

ook that always worked with the female folks. He flashed his perfect dentition at Naza who groaned his ann

e hit his chest as a bout of cough took over his body. His hand reached forward t

hey were used to it, especially Naza. His nonexistent sexual life was none of Chuza’s business but hell would freeze before his friend

e warning in Moses’s eyes when the handsome jerk opened his mouth didn’t escape Naza and he nodded his tha

, he whisper

aza replied

or a high five and Naza’s palm hit it. They beamed a

Naza patted Chuza’s back with a pout that chipped a few years of his age. “I do

lasses to reveal his heterochromia, flash his pearly whites and they would race to him like vultures to a carcass. It detested and amazed him at the same time. How easy his friend could lure

bles keeping it in his pan

za scowled. “

d as a dare between them had become his way of life and he couldn’t picture livin

ro, Saint Gigol

of insults began. “We were talking about a movie.” He pushed Chuza’s phone to him. “I like this one,” Moses

guess it was another booty call but he wasn’t eager to confirm his suspicions. He

at the sound of Moses’s

The argument he had with Nene over his decision coupled with the hurtful remarks

wore to support his decision moving forward but on some days, he could hear her shr

the bank to accept their offer. The only good thing that came out of working there was Nene. She was tran

close but with Moses doing the Lord’s work, he had grown closer to Chuza. Moses never judged him but it was

ked and Naza nodded.

re the first ones he told before he hit send on the email with his resignation letter. A part of him knew Ne

ight, she al

into the side pocket of his jeans. “When I check the numbers,” he said and raised his hands to keep them from speaking. “I know you guys told me to stop checking bu

y burst into laughter that was cut short at the look he directed their way. “Fine, no laughing but two months is too short for you to g

y that passed with him sitting behind the desk in the HR’s office took with it a part of him. A part he had hoped Nene would notice like his friends did and pointed

we couldn’t meet because the banker was busy? God. I have never met anyone who worked so hard at a job they despised.” Facing Naza,

is heart than Chuza. He could go broke trying to save his brothers. The weight on his shoulders disappeared, he gestured for the waite

his feet. “We

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