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His Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 2 Red, yellow leaves

Word Count: 1490    |    Released on: 02/08/2021

ld see beyond what lay in front of her. The large expanse of land that bled into tall, giant trees hudd

tell the newcomers by their scents. Omegas. The lowest

nonexistent; dead. She took a seat on the windowpane, crossed one leg over the other and smiled at the green

d play was Zebulun's mantra. Work, work, then play, was hers. As she continued staring, picturing bleak ima

m more of her time, work

signs of weakness. She couldn't cry in front of them. Never. But her hands shook so bad she was forced t

was scratchy from lack of use, she had been quiet s



Hadiza's face. “Za, you ar

ss ruler, the throne should have automatically fallen to her but it didn't work that way. She could already he

never b

ve a whisper when she as

sadness spilling over Hadiza

h at the thought of them, the hate was mutual. Those group of undying men reeked of

the founder of Zebulun, she had thought he would live long enough for her to

ere s

. He started ageing as all wolves did after losing their mates, refusing the water that could stall the ageing

es, they had been here to

ss to Zee yet she couldn't save him. He could have lived longer if he wanted, stayed to help her find her

by her whenever she challenged the council. If she hadn't witnessed the love between Hadassah and Zee, she

six of them, all well-built males but they seemed to be having trouble moving Zee from the bed to the carrier that would take him to

irthright. Holding it to the light, lips set in a thin line, she tilted her head to t

unadulterated eagerness, waiting for her to put the ring on, claim what should be hers. She would satisfy thei

ng her arms behind. Streaks of sunlight filtered in through the window, altered the top of her black hair t

e. “Keep staring and you w

ed as their heads

the window, inspecting the mundane looking ring, te

ilent, Hadiza waited a few minutes, uncertainty, questions swirling in her eyes an

de Hadiza, a pitiful smile on her lips. They lowered themselves to the floor, legs crossed while their eyes silently communicated. The con

brother, the o

urly hair behind her ear, brown eyes meeting hazel o

slipped out of the room and out the backdoor of the quiet mansion. No one noticed, she hoped they didn't. “Za?” she called out to her


gates separating her from the people. Jumping over a fence, her paws met the ground in giant, purposefu

al walls stopping them from mind linking her but Hadi

uth hung open. Red, yellow leaves adorned the top of the forest trees, tinging the sky golden. Sticks pricked her thick, furry skin, cr

. Anywhere to dull the ache in her heart. Trees blended into one another as Za

ing canines that promised eternal rest to whoever da

ed, she squinted. “W

murmured a reply and Za's snout stuck in the air. S

said, scanning their envi

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