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Chapter 2 Sir Ezekiel.

Word Count: 2235    |    Released on: 23/07/2021

de it ". Annabel excaime

white long sleeve. His black hair wa

es dressing like a young teenager, because he beli

rain her mentally and physically, and accepted her. He changed her name from Christabella Fidelis to Annabell

e governor of Nigeria. All Annabella has to do is seek Justice for all th

a like his own child and to teach her the difference between good and bad, and he didn't stop Bell

while you came down here. Didn't I tell you to be very careful Bella, and wher

the careless stuff, I'm sorry, I'm just so excited

?". he asked while climbing the

ack while Blade just sa

o to Blade this

e's demanding for his treat which he's not going to get ". Ann

ake delicious noodles for you ". Ezekiel said

over at the governor's

nged things, so why do you want to

at opportunity to place more cameras and speakers at his office

and speakers at his office ?"

them ". Bella said as she grabs her handbag and ga

the earphone ". Annabe

put the earphone on his ear, and

see ?". Anna as

rrow afternoon at the governor's house. He's planning on inviting al

ing his son to flirt around with you ". Sir Ezekiel said while listening and vi

e's still the same governor Alfred from my c

plans because I think using Brandon is going to

because I will be able to control him since he

ever each day that passes b

el, so can I go bac

t yourself a lot, because you

bout to follow her but Sir Ezekiel shouted at the dog to stay

usted she went to the sitting room and sat down in the d

room while eating the pizza. Her black tight and whi

or today ?". Sir

a little before going to bed,

tion again because he could see that Annabell

y..... ' Hi Annabella, we have heard a lot of things abou

going to say ' Really!!! but I'm sorry to inform you that I

great respond

for tomorrow because she doesn

family of Alfred down, Annabella pulls her innerwear and tied

water to penetrate her body. The water is so cold that it could make

ought out a black ashes gown. She wore the gown and opened the

have stuff your stomach with more than enough noodles,

nd he hears everything tha

ing me a pleading eye. I drop the pizza at the plate

body. It wasn't yet eight o'clock but I already took my bath

as fast as their little fit could carry them, as they hug

one's birthday, so can I know whose

te her birthday last year for her, and she's scared that we wouldn't celebrate

er ?". I asked all the kids around me, b

she's waiting for Dad Ezekiel because he promised to attend her next birt

mire the fact that she's already kind at he

zza and I also bought a birthday hat, an

grateful ". All the kid's chorus as they

it's being run by Sir Ezekiel who

The governor was the one who had to ask her to pick any place she would love to stay, and she picked the gove

oing to let her live at his house, which was t

vernor who taught he was helping me declared that from that da

atic car key to open the booth for them, b

enough, we are all grateful for your kind work ". They all

going to walk inside, and surprise Precious with this gift ".

entered the main hall, where she saw

he became shocked at first, but

sks as she hangs her mouth open while expec

from me to you ". Annabella said and gave Precious a little red box

ous greeted and gave Annabella the necklace s

well ". she said while t

d when the little girl just stops and place

Annabella, you

e as she just remained i

plied while smiling, as she

sound of her phone r

y, but I have some meetings to attend to, so see you next time

lad that you came by just to wish m

n, that should be our friendship name ". Anabella

he phone call, which was ring

". Annabella greeted Ezek

tice when you left the house, w

brating Precious birthday.

stooling right now because every single minute he would run to the toi

restroom because she's already suspecting that Alf

lem started ". she asks Ezekiel as s

e hours ago ". E

e while walking around him in circles. The drugs are supposed to make him stool all night

g to pay him a little visit ". Annabell

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