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Have you ever wondered why Annabella the doll is considered evil, well it's as a result of what life had thrown at her....some might call it REVENGE but she chooses to call it JUSTICE and justice must prevail..... Annabella is the only child of her parents , who were killed by Governor Alfred , she watched as they killed her parents and she couldn't do anything but stand there and cry..... She swore on her parents innocence to make sure that the family of Alfred pay , they don't deserve to see the rise of another sunset.... Annabella falls in love with Alfred Grandson which made her confused , she has to choose between her new love and making justice prevail.. Annabella decides to lay low and observe Alfred, but when he kills the one who adopts her , Annabella is convinced that Alfred will never change , she sets to execute her plans to take him down with the help of her lover who Alfred had disowned.... Will Annabella give her parents and the other innocent people Alfred had killed , Justice?... Will she succeed in her plans to make Alfred pay?.... Find out in this exciting novel!!!

Chapter 1 Went to the governor's office.

Annabella 1

A young lady walked inside the governor's office, with a killer smile on her pretty baby face, and a long pointed nose attached to it.

She wore a strapless V-cut dinner gown. The navy blue thigh-high free gown flowed freely down her legs, the color adding an elegant exposure to the sheen glow of her olive skin, causing her to look like an angel in Africa.

The lady is fair in complexion, average in height, and has black long hair.

Her hair wasn't packed but allowed to fall on her fair elegant skin.

" Good afternoon Miss Annabella, I'm so happy that you could make it to the meeting ". Governor Alfred said as he shakes my hands while motioning for me to sit down.

" Thanks, governor, but I don't think sitting down wouldn't be a good idea, because I'm not going to waste time, so I prefer we get to business already ".

" Ohh!! that's nice of you Miss Annabella, I like a lady who is strict when it comes to business, and I know for sure that we are going to become a good business partner ". Alfred said as he displays a disgusting smirk on his old face.

He was amused by my behavior because he seems surprised as he opens his mouth to utter something else, but nothing came out.

Alfred is very old, which is quite different from the Alfred I knew when I was very young. His teeth were no longer white, which means only one thing to me. He loves tobacco so of course, I don't expect his teeth to be white, just looking at him made me feel like throwing up, but I still need to maintain my calm.

" Well, governor..... you can't tell if we are going to make a good business partner, because I don't intend on patterning with you that easily, I don't want you to stab me in the back governor, because I need to trust you. I can't give you a hundred million dollars without knowing who I am patterning with ".

" And I have heard from your people that you are a very good governor, so I'm quite impressed with what I have heard ". Annabella said as she walks around the governor like a snake.

Alfred is the governor of Nigeria in Africa. He's praised by other's for his good governors, while hated by others because of his wicked attitude.

Most people in Africa complained that the governor is a creepy as a snake, but some do praise him like if he's an angel sent from heaven.

Governor Alfred wore a black suit trouser, which was top up with a well-ironed black suit, causing the old governor to somewhat look young.

Just by staring at him, I could already guess that the clothes he wore worth a huge amount of money, due to how governor Alfred carried himself.

His fair skin was already aging, while his lips are black like his black suit.

Despite the fact that governor Alfred is super-rich, he's still greed to himself, because his skin isn't properly maintained.

" At least I'm happy you have heard a lot about me, so why don't you just join me in having lunch at my house ?". Alfred said while smiling.

" Governor Alfred..... ". Annabella said as she draws his name while using her hands to play with the wine, that governor Alfred was about to drink.

" You should try to think like a governor old man because any little things can spoil your reputation. If I'm to visit your house for dinner, then the Media would say that governor Alfred is trying to force Attorney Annabella to join politics ".

Three lines pop up on Alfred's forehead as he hears Annabella calling him ' Old man '.

" I would take my leave now because I have other client and other business to run, so see you tomorrow ". Annabella said as she grabs her handbag and put on her medicated glasses.

" We haven't gotten to business already, but it's nice that you drop by, I hope to see you tomorrow ". he said as he got up from his seat to see Annabella off.

Annabella was about to open the door, but a young handsome guy works in before she could even open the door.

The handsome guy is fair in complexion, he is tall and has a fitted body structure. His hair is brown, while his lips are pink and attractive. His brown eyes complemented his dark brown hair, making him look more attractive.

If I'm to be sincere I'm going to say that Brandon is a handsome looking man, but behind his smiles, I can see the face of a real demon but he uses his angelic face to mask his demonic side.

He wore a complete suit wear, causing him to look like a serious business man.

His black shoe is as neat as a new shoe, while his scent coming from his body spray suddenly filled the entire office.

By the look of things, Brandon seems to be either twenty-eight or twenty-seven years old, based on his physical appearance.

" Good morning grampa !!". The handsome guy greeted.

" Ohh good morning son ". Alfred replied. " This young lady here is Miss Annabella, she is a lawyer, and also into economics, she also schooled in Griffith University Australia. And Annabella this is Brandon, my first grandchild ". Alfred said while introducing me and his grandson.

" Ohh!!! it's a pleasure meeting you Miss Annabella, I have heard a lot about you ". Brandon said as he extended his hand for a handshake while smiling.

" It's also a pleasure meeting you Brandon, but just to be frank, I haven't heard much about you ". Annabella said as she welcomed him with a pleasant smile also. " Do you mind if I say something else ?". Annabella asked.

" Sure, you can go ahead ". he replied.

" Well it's already afternoon, but you greeted governor Alfred good morning, so I'm just wondering why ?".

Annabella knows that both of them weren't aware of their greeting, but she wanted them to feel embarrassed.

" Sorry, my bad!!! it might probably a mistake right, just that from where I come from, it's very hard for you to see someone making this type of mistake ". She quickly says.

" Yeah!!! it's just a random mistake here ". he replied a little bit embarrassed.

" Thanks for having me once again". Annabella said as she works out of the office majestically.

" Grampa, that lady is such a built ". Brandon said, which doesn't surprise Annabella at all.

She could hear what they were saying, through her car keys which she left at the office table. There's a small speaker and a camera that is used to capture and see things that Alfred and his grandson were doing and saying.

The speaker was connected to her earphone, while she could see what they were doing through the glasses that she was putting on.

' The fun has just begun '. she chanted to herself as she hastens her steps because she could see Brandon leaving the office, as he chases after her.

" Miss Annabella!!!! ". Brandon shouted, but Annabella just pretended like if she wasn't hearing her name as she kept on walking, while moving her head to the left, and later to the right like if she listening to music.

Brandon had to fasten his pace so that he could catch up with her.

" Hey wait !!!". he said as his hands fell on her bag.

Annabella turns back to look at him, and she opened her mouth in surprise because of the way Brandon was sweating.

" Hey what happened ??". she asked him, as she placed her hands on his back while giving him a gentle hit because Brandon couldn't steady his breathing.

" Here's your car key, you left it at the governor's table, so I decided to run after you so that you can have your keys ". he said while standing fully.

" Thanks a lot, I didn't realize that I had left my keys at the office, you are a nice person, I guess the name Brandon suit you perfectly ". Annabella said as she collected the car keys from his hand while removing the glasses and earphones she was wearing.

" You are welcome, but I don't think saying thanks is enough because you exhausted my strength, so how about we both have dinner tomorrow ".

" Having dinner sounds great, but I can't be able to make it for dinner, but I can come by during lunchtime since I'm going to have a meeting with the governor, I think I can also create a little of my time, to sit for lunch ". Annabella said.

" Ohh!!! that's fine by me ". he replied as he gave extended his hands to her, but Annabella didn't shake him, but just gave him a pleasant smile.

" Sir Brandon, I think a smile is more preferable than a handshake ".

The words that left Annabella's mouth made Brandon's face lit up in amusement.

" Alright then, have a good day and make out the best from it ".

Annabella nodded her head and continued working away.

She knows that Brandon is already filled with lust for her. She could see how he had used his eyes to scan her body from head to toe.

Annabella is beautiful, but since she is going to deal with this family, she would use their greatest weakness to bring them down.

They have lust for money, and the same goes for women because they always lust after them.

She haven't been in Nigeria for a very long time, but immediately she came to this Nigeria, she became popular in less than a week, with the hashtag that says ' White attorney Annabel '.

Annabella drove to her house, which was located at Abuja, which is the first capital territory ( FCT ).

The house wasn't owned by her, but she still calls it her house, due to the fact that she lives there.

She pulls over at the car garage, and was welcomed by the noise of a dog. " Woof woof ". her bog bark as it came out of the house to welcome her while shaking his tail.

Annabella's dog is a black German Shepherd. The dog is tall, fat, and also hairy. Blade has dark brown eye, which is scary at night.

" Who's my baby, where's my baby ". she said while caressing the dog's hair, as she knelt down so that she would be the same height as the dog, causing the dog to roll his body on the floor.

" That's enough, we need to start working right away ". she said as got up from the floor and walked inside her house.

The house is very beautiful from the outside, but when you walk inside, you would be surprised to see things that would make you hang your mouth wide open in surprise.

The house is a duplex which is painted with an oil pink paint. The house is so big that someone can get lost inside the house.

At the sitting room lies a big chandelier lights, which was surrounded by little crystal ball.

" So have Sir Ezekiel come back ". I asked my dog whose name is Blade.

Blade just stare at me blankly, with his ear wide open, meaning that Sir Ezekiel hasn't yet come back.

" What took him so long this time around, or is he planning to reside in England forever ".

Annabella wasn't expecting the dog to answer so she just kept her mouth shut as she gently drags the center table on the sitting room aside.

" Are you coming or not ?". she asked Blade after removing the big rug that was beneath the table.

Blade stares at the floor, and since it didn't have any option, he slowly followed Annabella.

Annabella uses her hands to hit some certain tiles, and they gently slide inside. That tile is a passageway to Annabella's studies, which is another different world entirely.

It has a boxing ring, all the equipment used in learning how to fight. It also has studies where she uses in reading books that aren't supposed to be seen by anyone.

Annabella didn't waste any time as she pulled her clothes and throw them on the floor, not minding if it will get stained.

She didn't pull her underwear because she can't stay naked. Annabella started lifting weights while Blade just sat down and stare at her.

" Why are you staring, won't you get to work, or do you want to sleep down here ?". she asks and Blade immediately got up from where he's sitting.

It seems as if Blade is scared because he sounded like someone who wanted to cry before he started running.

Blade doesn't have much work to do in his life, because all I want him to learn is how to run very fast.

My late parents taught me how to run, which made me to won a lot of running competitions while I was young.

The good thing about a runners is that they are always able to run for their lives whenever there's danger.

I was lucky enough to have learned how to run very fast because if I couldn't run, I bet my whole family is going to be wiped out of the Earth in just one day, but God didn't allow that to happen.

" Run Blade, you need to run faster ". I said while raising my weight up. I am standing while exercising because the weight I am carrying is small once.

" Faster Blade, run faster ". I shouted while encouraging him to run fast. He was only running from where I'm standing to where the boxing ring is.

I was still shouting at him to run faster when he suddenly stopped. Blade would never stop like that if he didn't suspect something, so I followed his gaze and saw that he was staring at the ceiling.

I heard someone's footsteps, so I signal Blade to move upstairs and distract the person.

Blade was about to climb the stairs that lead to my living room when I saw the reflection of someone, causing me to hang my mouth open.

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