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My Name is Simon

Chapter 5 MNS Five

Word Count: 1493    |    Released on: 10/04/2022

volunteered to check on Ella. He’s already half-mile walking, and it surprised him when a car ran into him a

s lying on the road that still seemed alive. Her face is a few inches away from him as she was about to check on him

hile caressing his face that the girl hit. “You

ling on the road. From the look on her face, she must be daydreaming. And Simon rose and stretched out his han

icer who arrested me?” Sim

away from his eyes and said, “I’m off work, so eve

ck to the car. “Hey

en want to make an apology? You bumped into me. Than

g. She looks at him and he looks great

an said. “Are you ok

nt your apology.” He

otice you crossing.” T

woman with a bit of

g, and he immediately pulled it out of his po

eemingly selfless?” Simon asked him

cture of him he played with. He put two str

a is awake,


st harm yourself and put you

sitting on the other side of the be

his. You know that this is really

k? Are you a lesbian?” Sim

set. “Geez, uncle, I’m not a l

. Are you trying to catch death befor

just to give up on something like this! I

die worrying about you?” said Simon. “Are y

t?” asked Simon, his arm

ho else?”

e this man?”

know. I didn’t know i

g lady was sullen, so he

ke. If I could just catch the bullets that struck you, I would. You’re s

might happen to me, but it’s me. This is the choice I made. I’m happy with my profession. And it is part of dyin

lings. You’re both pains in

ause you were so irritated with us. Don’t you think we’re i

d,” Simon said. He took t

he did. Ella laughed at


Ella from the hospital that same day. Samuel went with Ell

t Clara, who is also busy staring at Simon,

called, still s

nced at h

d to your secretary,

asked Simon, not ev

of the table. “Well,

ause only then did he notice the curtain had split

an attract my attention is resilient and courageous. Same as your sister,

one. “Why are you still here? You should have c

ed. "You’re bored, and you

ss that?! Haha! Don’t worry,

Today was too much str

uncle for a few minut

r you,” Seth said to change

mon, paying no a

ve centuries o

s.” Simon

ad any girlfrien

” Simo

Seth sounded

othing at all? N

r, no, not at all. Is there

r. “Uncle, have you ever

hear that?” S

years of your existence, you have no experi

hit Seth’s head. All singles are

, I’m curious.”

eplied Simon


With your behavior?”

style is not cool with today’s generation

sked Simon. “It seems women’s standard

y. “Do you want to g



ckly onto the cement. She even put her knee behind it while twisti

Ella,” s

did you find your

hen she saw a relaxed guy enter the living room. He was just wearing a t-s

l asked. “You scream like so

burglar in the h

muel asked

ight. And the eyes of Samuel and E

amuel and Ella sai

said Seth. “Ella, what a

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