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My Name is Simon

Chapter 4 MNS Four

Word Count: 1324    |    Released on: 19/07/2021

sn’t want him to be the next one to disappear. Simon was standing by the room window, staring out. He recalle


. Helena gave birth several months ago. Though the couple gave no malice, Simo

e sick and it was a serious illness. No


worried for them. They say there are a lot of sick people

to be infected,” Simon says. “This infectious disease wil

so, Simon. Because my son is t

he lost his head over the spread of t

st around the corner. Will you p

t to Bathala for his safet

ictims are grown-ups and children. That’s why on Rafaelo’s first birthday, Lando and Helena both wanted to offer food only in Bathala. Thanks

o like you, Sim

e likes to play with Rafael. The child’s laugh

he likes to pee on

? It’s dark, but he’s not here yet,

or. “I can check him o

ena took Rafael and Simon toward the door. He even took the lamp there when he went out and met Lando. His dry cough keeps go

proach him or Rafael will become infecte

high fever. To avoid infecting Helena and Rafael, Simon did a temporary

seem to be infected by the disease. You remain strong and nothin

window, and Simon was outsi

edible,” s

n the woods, you said you fell into the hole made

didn’t expect to be aliv

hough your clothes shredded off, you weren

enly figured it out. Rafael cried

s stabbed with a knife. It hurt him. He looked at his finger and he was bleeding, so he washed his hand right away. But to h

cried Hel

elena and Rafael, Helena was not there. The young Rafael was sleeping. Simon w

med Helena. Lando

Lando with soil, his tears never stopped. Lando’s been good to him, so it pains him to

l, Helena got sick. Contrary to Lando

a, Rafael needs

Simon,” said

e’s breathless. She was

You take care of him

e last couple of days. And Rafael seems to know something is going on with her mother because he

y Bathala is your guide

d her child. Her eyes closed. Me



p on the couch. Seth taps him sli

have breakfast,” S

asleep. The same thing happened to the child hundreds of years ago

xing that table. When he sat there, Seth

after Ella when she hasn’

rk using a handkerchief. “Wh

hank you for saving Ella,” Seth said, smiling. “I

th’s sincerity,

it. Samuel? Where is he?”

the office before go

ese past few days. What’

the food before he spoke again. “Di

ead. “No. We have

e having an affair. They are usual

esn’t seem like that woman is a mother figure. Maybe she’ll just play with Da

head. “Aw, that hurt,

at way. It’s very unprofessional of you.

ious? I’m just saying my opinion

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