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Art of a dreamer

Chapter 2 UNLEASH

Word Count: 1025    |    Released on: 17/07/2021

y imagination and make art th

th her heavenly body that I can’t resist. Furthermore, I thought I was insane for this k

hat I adore someone reign only in my mind, my parents didn’t notice my action, and they are never suspicious of

arkness and the successi

a roaring stuck of lightning so strong

from the casse

BLOOD. Maybe it’s just the smell of the acrylic paint but not just that, when her image was completed, the temperature rose in a lingering cold like the fog enter my room and switch to 0 degrees Celsius. It was as though a

eased just lik


rice would cost for this kind of action. I unlock my window from my bedroom and peeped outside, I saw outside the trees and their eerie whispers, and when the wind blows hard and enter my bedroom. I saw in my periphe


had fallen. I winked opens my eyes again, they are wide, full of raw emotion and as I stood I found myself staring at someone watching me in a distance. A figur

’m not sure. It was alive and dark. It was gamy, like

closer, even thou

wled down my back. My mind still trying to reassure myself this is just

ting, my eyes closed and counting down from one to ten as fast as I could. Whe

to someone in a hot seat. I stared up at the moon, watching how its trailing edge shone into creepy darkness, so close to

I will never forget f

at, eyes widen as I notice the

mething unpleasant that I couldn’t figure out, but

as gone, and she sat down nex

gs stranger still, but nothing could prepare me for wha

ok, the harder

Her presence is infectious and being in that situation, my eyes light up with l

looked up the woman was staring at me, jus

hten you.” She approaches me and hugs me tigh

ype of voice that could lull you to sleep. Just listening to her made my defense

her smile while she was silen

en wider. It w

indow. Searching for someone, but there

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