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Bullied To Love


Word Count: 2065    |    Released on: 08/07/2021

e I started working here a

Let’s not even talk about the coffee. It’s either too hot, too cold or just horrible. He is a s

text from my bank saying $5000 has been put into my account by Enzo. I am amazed he is pa

. I am in the elevator on my way to get mys

what can I he

ys loud and clear in my ears while h

the door. I hear a ‘come in.’ I step

et my suit for tonight and use this credit card to

to get myself something for tonight. I have

I am telling you to use my card, so use it. And

e a waste of time, so I pick up the paper with

ar a tone go off on my phone. I check to see a message from E

walk to another shop in the mall to start my search for the perfe

up when I finally find one for tonight. I forgot to ask Enzo what the eve

t one. After knocking and waiting for an answer for a few minutes I decide to walk in and check if everything is alright, as the secretary downstairs

get ready for the night,” he says, once

ut of nowhere, but realised it was comi

nk you,” I sa

king him. He texts back saying the event is a charity even

nd dressing by 7:56 p.m. I am so happy I am ready before he got here. I’m wearing a black off-the-

ch means he is here and

pills before you go to bed. Bye, I love you.

time,” she says from t

ar wearing an Armani suit that fits his

im so we can go. He o

ting into the car. He goes a

elt while smiling at me. I wonder why he is smi

with a smil

beautiful hotel with lights all around it and a big sign

el?” I ask with

with a sexy sm

a hotel. I have not seen a

things you don't kn

ull of people. Everyone here looks rich in their beautiful dresses a

shocking me to the bone. I turn to see the devil with a beautiful, genuine smile on his handsome face.

round the same age as Enzo comes up to us and hugs

ul lady we have here

te for tonigh

ht he was going to say that I am his pers

est friend.” he puts his

e,” I say while I ac

” Zino says smiling back at me. Afte

The men are going to auction their date and dance

are going to dance," he says wi

might fall off the stage or worse, faint whil

ready added your name to the list of

me I don't want to d

should not worry. Eve

ig fool of myself in front of a lot of people. I think about how I got my first paycheck today which means I can pay part of mom's treatment. The doctor ca


thoughts when I hear my na

e so the auction can start,

ne bids for me? That will be the most embarrassing thing in my life. What if he even auctions me for a good

The auction is starting. So far three ladies have been bought for good prizes, leaving fo

has started

er say, $7000, $8000, $9

I hear a voic

utiful hazel-green eyes that


and takes my

y for me. But if you think about it, it’s not for me, it’s for the children. So, I better stop fooling myself thinking

s around my waist make me feel safe. Something I have never felt except with my mom. W

e leave. We are on our way to drop me home,

the dance, I ha

brought you and called you my date is because I had no other option. I had to come with a date and my siste

. I thought he was becoming a better person. But

e. I am about to ste

to go to the airport. We are going to Sicily tomorrow for a business trip.

I say and get

ot pick the right clothes for my unexpected trip tomorrow. Once I am done packing my clothes, I put my suitcase aside and choose a bag for my laptop and other necessary things I might need for the trip. Before I go to b

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