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Bullied To Love


Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 08/07/2021

no sugar as he said. I arrive at the company building at 8:54am. I walk straight from

e. After a few seconds, I hear ‘come in.’ I walk in and see

I hand over the coffee. He takes it a

u, Bella (b

t say anything after that. I decide to leave.

says, call


sign as my personal assistant. Ha

to work for Enzo for five years without leaving, but he can fire me to end the contr

assistants have to sign


y do I h

ven working for a month, so I want to make sure you don't quit the

t to work with. I remember a time in high school when we both volunteered to decorate the gym for home

ce at the back of my mind reminded me of mama lying on a hospital bed with tubes attached to her. I decide to do it for mama. I sign the papers. I could feel hi

ys after taking a

and stand in

you are doing bring

en I bro-brought

m you. Do you see those boxes behind you? They are filled with files. I want them arra

. I am about to tell him when he says,"I know you are going to say that you won't be able to finish before noon, b

y life away to the devil. I will have to bear whate

of work I have to do. I know he will make my life a living hell. I could run away or just quit. But if I lea

. At two minutes before noon I am done, but my b

et a text from Enzo. It’s says that ’I

a response, after a few seconds I hear a ‘come in,’ which does n

m to all the contacts on it," he says not even bot

am back I will do it," I say because there is

nch! If you haven’t eaten th

just Enzo and me in the office, so that means he is staring at my ass. ‘Oh my God!’ I quickly straighten up. I turn around and see him looking everywhere but at me and acting like he w

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