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Billionaire's Mafia girl

Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 935    |    Released on: 02/07/2021


n at a high class hotel they

and a t-shirt,she looked innocent,ruby

ir names and don't look Monti in the eye,he hates it"Ru

n to get the job,she still w

rough his company files when hi

h the cook and cleaner of the house,it was surprising to see anothe

rday,Ruby had come in early today which would give the

he had never seen such a woman has beautiful as this and instantly his 31 yea

istracted,he had never felt attracted to a woman just by looking at her,she wasn't even we

breaking the deafening silence in the room,Viv

eared hi

don't like her"he said

er eyes widened,he was truly more handsome in person

questions and yet you conclude yo

e was amuzed she had the guts to do so,

to know i don't like you"he ans

n"Vivian was breathing fire as she said that,but she knew she showed a relaxed face,it was insulting

sion here and you bett

this woman,on surface there was really not much to dislike about her

want to lose this job,if my sister here takes in my place before am back,it

of silenc


plan and kinapp the girls since Monti was p

me based on my appearance,i would have dressed more for him didn't


his guy was a totally jerk,and to think

coming here and asking for a job,now she was going

od up when the girl

ey were all cute,dark hair and different

tty"zaya commented

er that she didn't know which one among the girls was her daughte

cutest one"sh

cuter than you"maya sai

beautiful woman in the house,everyone around them was always a man,their teacher,their driver,their cook on

ing at the girls,she noticed one of them w

"she called softly

must be ray

know my nam

guys so i just had to come and

ys had said wi

d her first

answered her and the tw

the girls reaction towards Vivian to be like this,they always se

of you can like me cause am g

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