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Billionaire's Mafia girl

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 993    |    Released on: 02/07/2021


all your life,i cant imagine you having to do any kind of work

ink of anoth

ing"Vivian said cutting her sister off,her beautiful face was glowing from the excite

girls you know"Sara sugg

shook h

if we do something as silly as kinapp them,

inds out,He

best If we go with

nd went to sit

if the work becomes too muc

pping her arms around sara,she felt that her sister was just

d no i

beautiful daughters of a heartle

h and feared by

hey were both very young due

he people in their community,no one would dare offend t

e the perfect examples of how any

el in the Mafia world,After finding out about the affair,karan had killed the young man in

me and the whole commun

d from here,i don't

nconditionally had knelled

please pass better judgem

own out with her as we

r,were will she go??how will she s

you and you will fo

and immediately,two guards came a

o remorse he had provided his daughters with everything they would ever need

After all,she was his daughter,they had the same blood in t

karan knowing,she had sent some money to Vivia

t,that would be the biggest unforgivable sin to com

ake over some of his businesses once you have lear

tion Sara,i just kill a bab

on,i will think of something in the mean time,don't leave the house yo

regnancy a secret n

ter for a long had been worried

u to the hospital without one of them seeing is and the conditio

e had said and left,she came back some t

wrong,trust me i will kill you"she warned,the young Doctor ha

no,they couldn't keep her,looking at her sister who was laying

man though she wasnt really expecting a answe

nding him the baby

you mean?,the

make sure never to try and contact us for your own good"the doctor has

,even a single soul,i swear i will

Doctor h

e up,she looked

bare the thought that Sara had kille

't worry"she stood up a

whispered making

had gone back to their father

rld feared by many,she was now engaged to a powerful leader but be

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