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Chapter 4 The Dare

Word Count: 2183    |    Released on: 30/06/2021

r's P

parents, Naira was no longer the

ent. Nothing but sadness and em

s got tired of trying

Naira's father tried to convince Naira to go with him to his place but Nai

two weeks. Finding no change in her from the last two weeks, he determined

e balcony of her room w

ents loved you to the core. I know you would be very happy now if just they would have been alive and beside you. And you know it's not like they wanted to leave you, dear.

uttering all this, hi

tears, “Let them feel guilty. They should feel guilty for le

dear. But it's not possible now. Naira, you know what you people mean to me. I can't

him for some mome


oming back with Naira, his wife became so excited and

o have a girl but s


a family was always pampered which made

s in a month but still, all he kept d

stand his responsibilities but it was of no he

e house and found his mother pacing in the

d spoke up, “What's the matter? Who a

Naira is coming to live here with us.

all annoyed face, “Mom, that girl is coming to live with us

a. And she isn't coming here just for some days but forever. From

kash left for his room. Right then

er to her room and asked with a hopef

d all aroun

window was at the head of the bed and there were two doors. A walk-in closet and the other was an

the wall. The walls of the room were painted Purple and

all excitedly that she just loved the room but being the new Naira, she just turned to Jiana

u need anything, just tell me. Don't hesitate. It

“Okay then. You get freshen up now. I

window. A cool breeze was blowing which kept touching her face but the fee

wasn't of much help. Naira talked to them whenever they ask her any question or got

didn't go unnoticed by Akash and it ma

r Tw


er room, she stopped midway. Looking at the s

r happy. Trying to hide her pain, she put on a

ke up, “Naira, darlin

face, “If you don't mind, I

t this, girl. What are you talking about! What is there to mind? In fact last night

will talk to the principal of Akash's college

e and called him and go

ar them and uttered, “Naira, you will be attending college from tomorrow. I will take you

warded towards her room af

ered happily,

e bed to get some sleep after utteri

ving room though it was quite late a

at night. Seeing him, Zohan spoke up, “What time

uttered, “It's just 12:30, D

ou be a little responsible, son?

ll the time! I am not a kid anymore. Let me live

month his study will be completed and then he will have to

t for h

breakfast hurriedly, Naira got

t done taking their breakfast when Akash got there. Zohan was

a moment. Then turning to Akash, he sp

nod while taking the

then, “Take N

onfused look as he

but I have got an important meeting to attend now.

t even for a little bit but he didn't get

oke up, “Naira, you go with Akash

er and followed A

to be a spy on me or my activities in college

uch happy with her staying at his place

and spoke up again, “Get down. Go straight and college is just few steps away. I don't

im more. Already I am invading his place.” a

warding towards college with steady steps o

arshly only to get Naira b

e and uttering, “I am sorry

a student, she forwarded

as also there with them. After sometime Ehan got there and seeing

e up, “Ehan, please yaar. Stop

t a seat among them, “Okay

nds uttered, “N

en, “Let's play

you trying to show off here that

d uttered, “Okay. You

gain, “Let's pla

irritated, “Is it

ou have any confidence or getting scared to

red? In your dreams buddy. You are forgetting I am that Eh

start.” and turning to his friend,

stly the bottle stopped pointing at E

ith a smirk, “So

ing an all confid

g Ehan's nature, he spoke up, “Make the girl

like this jerk, girls roam about around him. His single smiling

at him, “I know that. But here the question i

for some unknown reason to them. Finding the chance for

, Ehan uttered, “Fine. I will do

y one of them turned to her and Akash's eyes g

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