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Chapter 3 A bitter Reality

Word Count: 1553    |    Released on: 30/06/2021

r's P


woman could be heard from a

life like this anymore. I just want to go. Why don't you understand? Ar

mise you that I will work die hard from now and make sure to get back to our earlier days. I will fulfill your every

e Aman now and I am going to marry him

not going to work on his wife as she had already made her mind to live a k

wo days otherwise I'll have to go to the court by myself.”

and a lady in her mid-thirties

look ugly. She didn't even try to meet her child for the last time.

tanding right beside the room witne

g little by little because of his own mot

He had witnessed his mother becoming so cold-hearted and at last today he witnessed his m

his mother left and found him sitting on the floor

er hugged him back immediately. Both of them were

s. He already knew that from now they were on their own and from the deep of his



es was so lost in her studies that she didn’t ev

he bed. Looking at her, contented

then while caressi

ing them a confused look, “Dad..Mom, you here? This time? Why didn't you sleep yet! Wh

father spoke up, “Relax, sweetie

now? Do you have any idea what time is it? It’s not good for your

etting out a sigh, “Will you listen to us for some mome

nd looked at her father to h

g to her mother, “Why are you a

ain smilingly, “Sweetie, we need to go out tomorrow to do some important work and will be back

s this all about Dad and where are you going by the

irl! What are you talking about, Ira? Sweetie, we are not going anywher

ughtfully and he kissed

rd and following her husba

up, “It's not like it's late of the night

almost done Mom. I will go to bed soon

get stopped midway. They turned to Naira again for once and they didn't kno

t D

afternoon time, gentle breeze started blowing

ast night was coming back from her college

her home, she announced her

e entered the house with a frowning face as sh

came to her sight. She got thinking, “Wher

oming to her room last night when

d when she tried to reca

er lunch and then kept waiting

back before evening but it was already past evening

lessly walking in the yard of their house. She had an exam tomor

f study at all. All she just wanted to see h

at it was too late for

eady made their way to the place from where there was no way for them to

ould happen and last night they were

se and Naira got uttering immediately, “Dad, what took you so lon

ira, dear you need to come

uncle? Anyways I won't go out now. Dad and Mom will be back any momen

ira, please dear. Be strong. They aren't com

won't go anywhere. Dad said they will be back. He always

y Naira just kept saying, “It can't be true. It's just a misunde

ra's neighbors were also there. Seeing Naira, their faces turned sadde

y covered with the white color of clothing. The doctor removed the clothing from t

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