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Chapter 3 Cher'

Word Count: 751    |    Released on: 29/06/2021



y assistant who is showing me various potential

ew and good looking appearance." Johnson my P.A asks me, "Well yes, and I will also be needing an

e a list of them

ave a look at these three expensive fashion stores, they do exclusive hotel dressings and decorations an

one particular company

ually draws

s Co-ope

ere something fish

know the owner

lies, "Oh yeah, I do, that is Cherry Collins new company, she just opened it a year ago, She a

nd squirm inwardly,not knowing whe

furrowing his eyeb

request." I say "And also put it on media, so other c

leaving my office, im

at does she

3 years now, we met on campus, although we did not hit u

he says putting her arms t

verything a man wants in a woman outwardly, but inwardly, ch

paring her a glance, "But...

ime you like, and talk about personal issues, then this is not the time okay,

but why aren't you picking my calls or replying my messages since y

ed my cell since yesterday, I didn't hear your calls, the phone is on s

up on your message bar?" Sighing she continues, "Well I was wondering if I could come over to your pla

ut, God! how do I escape this? I think, there's no way now, I don't even ha

'll be home by th

I'll be on my way now, see you in the evening.

k myself. Sighing and taking a look at Cherlins Co-operatives on my laptop (I had already sea

has me going way back and remembering


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