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Chapter 1 The Begining

Word Count: 826    |    Released on: 29/06/2021



face. I sat up and rubbed my eyes softly, I took my phone and switched it

! It

searching for my best friend, I've literally

nd owned a massive restaurant empire, everything was

uilding at night, killing my parents who were working late that da

f my parents, with no known relatives, o

eing that I was unable to pay the expensive rent on the house my

die to the fact that i went to his house regularly to pick up trash, we became close friends, we were so close that we did t

ses. The day he got caught, believe me when I sa

his parents to out me in school. We both attended th


e time and was fully capable of taking myself so I decided to look for a tuition fo

t him, his parents travelled and I lost all bonds connecting us. My lif

ght because I felt my life depended on his exis

ame in contact with a friend who was poor and lost just like me, toge

at the time, I never wanted to be a waitress, I hated restaurants then because if the bad memories they

designer, owner of the third best boutique in the c

ance, I searched for him everywhere but unfortunately it seemed he had left the shores of this country to only Go


when I say I am really cold. I don't smile,

just a friend but also a sister to me. She was the person who was with me 10

, she is also as successful as I am, she is a

Jayson's disappearance and has also motivated me with words of "move on", this one she'

y one who cal

anne Wil

t's all

y that is about

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