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The Other Side

Chapter 5 Am I Dead

Word Count: 1025    |    Released on: 22/06/2021

vampire talking about?" I

." Angel replied with his head

Angel is a demon. But he just told me that he's an angel earlier. I g

me because I'm already dead?

supposed to be your soul to the afterlif

l these years. I have been dead since high

n your sleep and I wasn't able to pr

side. I thought I was just astral projecting in my dream. But now that I know who

ying it. He doesn't want me to die and tried to stop all the incidents that should have c

lready like them. But my soul goes to the other side so it means that I'm not going to turn into a ghost

ver you're taking me.

You will just let the angel of deat

out being dead. Don't add to it

nd I'm a vampire." He

ate in the afterlife will be closed i

I'm going to take her with

t? I'm already dead so I h

an't hear their voices even if they are just near me. Maybe they can go on mute so that

What are you still doing?" I a

until the end. Goodbye now…" Angel told me and

back to the mortal realm anymore. If I do, I will become a ghost. But without the angel of dea

e to come with me no

d, still irritated with him

ur body so that you will w

y dead, remember?" I repeated it to him

your blood. But you're not waking up so I followed you here. You can't

o that?" I asked in a

onsciousness, I'm already a ghost. Then Angel tried to bring me to the afterlife but suddenly disappea

ire?" I sai

anion. You have to go with me now s

riend! My grandma will be so mad at me…" I re

my bride and a lifelong companion. That's

I'm very confused now and I ne

and get stuck in between realms. I guess I don't have

s stare straight into my eyes and I was out in a trance. I forgot, vampires have

now!" Greg whispered and ki

oxicating than his eyes. Before I knew it, I lost my consciousness. All I can see is darkness and I can

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