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The Other Side

Chapter 3Ā The Relapse

Word Count: 1015 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 22/06/2021

s able to use a face that would not freak me out. But the moment he showed me his real fa

see him. Although I'm aware that he's still around me. I can feel his presence especi

left alone around the dorm for the holidays. My grandmother left for the US for a visit.

e from another shaman I met with my grandma. The shaman advised me to ignore the other side

are you ignoring me?" The

I can avoid them. The reason my third eye developed was that I keep on talking to ghosts

nish but I'm still not going to acknowledge him. I don't want to see these beings anymore. I'm done havi

ntil graduation. I will be moving to another city and have my apartment soon close to my job

y, those people were just bored and decided to create their own delusions. Although some are

0 AM. That sucks because it means that it's still too early to start my day. I don't have any

go to the comfort room. Still sleepy, I got out of my room and was greeted by a pitch-black hal

s another dimension mixed with the real world. That makes it hard to navigate when I'm outside

ting that it would get bright instantly but I'm still in the darkness. I tried to turn on th

why the light bulb didn't turn on. When I looked up, I saw about five ghosts looking directly

are you?" The ghost of a stud

her soul has left her body!"

o a ghost... like us!" The

't believe that this is happening. How can I do the astral project now after a long time?

mpty. I need to go back before some ghost possesses it. It will be a disaster if I dont g

doors of the rooms, she can see nature now. The side where my room should be located is now a

at the shaman told me before that might happen upon trying to close my third eye. After ignoring the ghosts and the other sid

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