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Chapter 5 Ritual

Word Count: 479    |    Released on: 22/06/2021

wake up

I de

g. Is there anything I can do to help?"

I told you that Da

ght striking in clear stripes through the dense cover of trees. He moved his head sluggishly to his sides to exami

e forced out the w

ight," she said, "I wante

eyes closed. He could still feel an effect like waking up from hibernation. The last thing

shock. It took a few seconds for his memories of the previous night to settle clearly. His eyes moved down the length of her. She was alive. But then he rememb

ed. "What`s happening?" what

ead and coiled

red. He nearly pulled out his gun, if he had found it. He pushed him

top his guts from falling out. The girl broke into tears again. She was in pain as well. He stopped for a

ow?" he whispered un

rius killed them all." "Wait, wait, Dariu

does he wan

kill me. He says I am useless because I h

girls like me


ourself" she said as s

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