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Chapter 1 The little girl.

Word Count: 926    |    Released on: 22/06/2021

d mind. Police officer Gregor couldn't hear anything over the sound of his heartbeats. He could feel sweat streaming underneath his blue uniform. He reached for his radio with h

m discomfort as he crept through the endless tra

e deafening heartbeats were making things worse for him. The r

anyone can hear m

s way was the thought of getting attacked by a wild animal. Suddenly all his survival skills had faded like repressed memories at a time whe

g. Something caught his eyes. Holding on to a tree up ahead was a humanoid form. Its visage had a dark complexion and its eyes even more so. Marred grey hair h

he got closer and closer bringing into sight her dirt besmeared face and hair in terrible condition. Her bare legs seemed sore and bruised. She seemed not more than ten years old but disturbingly appearing calm and without pain. He saw her earlier that evening crossing the road. It was unsettling and s

ce echoed. "what`s yo

Anna" she

ing in the woods

he broke into tears. Her voice sounding like a siren. Jason watched from where he stood s

with fear. She looked around her examining the fading fog as her breathing spoil

" She sounded sure of what sh

he fear in her eyes explaining the sore legs and the bruises on her body. This girl had been abused and this Darius, whoever he was, was going to face s

ords did nothing to calm her. She kept shaking with fear swinging her gave back and fo

it in his head without sounding crazy. In his efforts of trying to help this girl, he was also struggling to

and I'll drive you to the

ence filled the atmosphere. The bushes rattled and shock behind them. The noise kept getting louder and louder. It was coming for them. They could hear it clea

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