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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 732    |    Released on: 12/05/2021

s P.

p and ch

stood up and went to bathroom, brushed and shower

, but I have to know if he deserves it. I don't hold grudge on people that's for su

stubborn,I missed food

eive that sweet, smell. I entered and saw him coo

have come out

nful look " none

ooking?" I aske

p of his finger "None of yo

nd placing my hands on my

said going b

u cooking?"

" not look

time and he chuckled. One o

think you are

"I will see

will do anythi

asked this tim

t answer

o hungry" I said m

" I s

im that. I ate like three more plate

ally ar

use am hungry, not becau

asked if it

ver, a

I said standing up to clean up. He c

you loved

out you, I had no choice. A

hat! I have to find

he sho

answers fo

t hurt me as well" I s

ed to grab my hand a

othing to

so so so sorry for

ask yo

y w

why you did all


fore, have you ever seen me

ow,I guess I liked you but I was so

pid way to show ho

d I just hope you fo

that Nick, don't" I s

's P.

am loos

e rang.

do you

so hard on me, I don't know w

nabel, I never a

ou do. Well, I

do you

you live, I can come see you a

don't call

e's too clingy which I equally don't like. I know I regret everything I did cos right now she's real

hat I did and w

hecking the time. I heard Sam


my G

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