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Unconsummated Fire

Chapter 4 Self Actualization

Word Count: 590    |    Released on: 08/05/2021


in which I stayed with my father and a few servants. The servants had their family too staying on the island, the island had everything needed for self actualization starting from basic needs to secondary a

e opened his arms towards me asking for a hug, I smiled back at him and ran to him then hugged him. He swept me off my feet and swung me

e you d

how was your flight

ing without you by my

y mother if you had married

my wife so I can't do that. Do you

erious about this matter. I want

I wanted her as perfect as your mom but there's none that can compare t

him fuming in anger an

me down for dinner, I w

eat with you order some pi

ercy my personal maid and she was also my Nanny. She was the only one I felt comfortable with an

as you

ince you weren't at

say, I've never felt this way before about someone. He was filled with grac

e way you are speaking about him and y

t I'm surprised and confused ab

confusing you?” s

ed me by name without I telling him but he called it w

o? then I

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